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中山翻譯公司關鍵字:Tobacco Zhuangao internal control system of modern enterprise management system is an important part of a clear and standardized internal departments, and job responsibilities and actions, to ensure the realization of business objectives, to improve management efficiency and protect the security of assets and the integrity of the standard accounting order to prevent distortion of accounting information, which have a positive effect. Heze Hua, deputy director in the industry to strengthen internal management and supervision work conference: strengthening self-discipline, to strengthen internal control concepts. Well control system within the industry, is to strengthen the internal control monitoring industry, an important part of improving efficiency.First, to establish the significance of internal control systemInternal control system, is the unit in order to effectively conduct internal management, and develop a series of interrelated and mutually constraining system of mutual supervision, measures and methods in general. Correct understanding of the role of internal control, strengthening enterprise management, maintenance and property safety, increase economic efficiency, is of great practical significance. Specifically, internal control mainly in the following role:1, to ensure the country's principles, policies and regulations in the implementation of the enterprise. Implementation of national policies and regulations are legitimate business enterprises prerequisite. Sound internal control within the enterprise can be of any department, any aspects of effective supervision and control of the various problems that occur in time to reflect, time to correct, to ensure that national policies and regulations are effectively implemented.2, to ensure management accounting information and other information on the accuracy and reliability. Accurate and reliable information is the business managers to understand the past, controls the present, predict the future, a necessary condition for making decisions. Internal control system through the development and implementation of business processes, the scientific division of responsibilities, effectively prevent the information collection, processing errors and defects from occurring, to ensure the accuracy and reliability of accounting information.