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伊春翻譯公司關鍵字:SMEs, the law at the federal level 10% of procurement contracts awarded to SMEs, and to hold an annual inspection of the Federal Ministry of Finance implementation of the provisions. 4 South Korea. Participate in WTO "Agreement on Government Procurement," the country is required to open government procurement markets. In order to protect their own industries, South Korea limited the scope of opening up government procurement to improve the limit of the standard, the provisions of 42 central government departments,government departments and 15 local government investment of more than 20 public enterprises as the "Government Procurement Agreement" application.Analysis of the four countries on government procurement policies and regulations, we can obtain the following insight: (1) government procurement is a national promotion in the industry can best reflect the balance between economic and social objectives of the important measures. (2) countries for accession to the WTO, government procurement can take advantage of a country, does not violate the WTO agreement, effective non-tariff barriers. (3) Government procurement early in order to save government funds, curb government corruption as a starting point, as the government procurement system matures, it gradually evolved to protect their own industries and to support SMEs. (4) government procurement should become the norm in the legislative and institutional guarantees, in order to reflect the "fair, open, fair and transparent" operating principles.Second, our government software procurement and software legalizationIn recent years, China's government procurement of software and licensed software has done a lot of work, the following can explain the context of the development of China's government procurement of software evolution process: the government in 1997 to promote "business line"; 1999 as the "Government Online Year" ; June 24, 2000, the State Council "to encourage the development of software and IC industry a number of policy" states: state investment in major projects and key application systems, priority should be borne by domestic enterprises, at the same price-performance conditions should be priority to the use of domestic software. Government purchased the software, related to national sovereignty and economic security of the software, the use of government procurement should be conducted; 2001 for e-government start-up year. On 29 August the same year, the National Copyright Administration and other four ministries jointly issued "on the government departments should take the lead in the use of genuine software," which