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阿勒泰翻譯公司關鍵字:sponsorship as a sporting and economic equality and mutual assistance between the points of integration, can help promote the common development of sport and the dual role of economic, so acclaimed. In 1984, the Chinese Olympic delegation for the first time in the Olympics, the only "Jianlibao" and "Haiou table" delegation of two companies to sponsor a total of 70 million funding and in kind, and the 2000 Sydney Olympics, China Olympics group is collecting sponsorship to reach 70 million, and this figure does not include in-kind sponsorship, an increase of 100 times in 16 years. Rapid economic development in our society today, the sponsor in the sports industry to play an increasingly important role in financing and has huge market potential.3.6 Sports Lottery fundingSports lottery as an efficient means of financing the whole country has now proved by the Lottery heat. Westerners sports lottery as a "painless tax", "Smile tax." Similarly, China's sports lottery is also great potential. Practice shows that the special issue of sports betting lottery to carry out activities not only help increase the consumption of sports, but also conducive to increased investment, attract social hot money in support of sports development. Such as football tickets, in addition to financing, there are sports consumption will help to stimulate and nurture the sports market. Meanwhile, the issue of special lottery institutionalized through the legal security system to regulate the lottery business, making the development of sports industry in China Lottery torrent to grow.3.7 BOT financing The so-called BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) refers to "build - operate - transfer" in abbreviation, is an internationally accepted way of infrastructure investment. The basic idea of ??this model is that the host country government or their organizations for the project construction and operation of the concession agreement to provide a basis for project financing by domestic companies or foreign companies, as investors and operators of the project financing arrangements , to take risks, development and construction projects and project management within a limited time access to business profits, transfer of the project under the agreement to the appropriate government agencies. BOT is the use of private funds to build national infrastructure projects the way, as a new way to build infrastructure, and its essence is the exclusive domain of private capital to the government's limited