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巢湖翻譯公司關鍵字:From the industrialized countries of the world's history, the relationship between industrial development and environmental protection roughly three ways: First, the "first destruction, treatment later '; second is the" edge damage, while governance ": the third is" not destroy, not governance. "If this is the third case, that does not destroy, not to be governance, of course, is the best. However, many industrial activities, particularly for developing countries to achieve this level of industrial technology and technology route is very difficult. For the second case, which led to environmental destruction in industrial production, while on the timely treatment, does not produce as much as possible the external environment produce less pollution, or if the industrial production has led to pollution of the external environment, can also be controlled and timely governance. In this case, the restoration of damaged environment, the economy depends on the individual's investment英文論文翻譯費用多少錢 in environmental protection or social ability. For the first case, that pollution first, treatment later, the most critical, but it is precisely the most common phenomenon. Early industrialized countries is the case, then the developing countries they often follow suit. First, the pursuit of industrial growth and the direct economic benefits, do anything to the cost of destroying the environment for industrial activities, will surely suffer the serious consequences of environmental pollution, then, had to devote more resources to pay a higher price for environmental governance, society as a whole is clearly worth a path of development. But why is become a common phenomenon? Indeed, it is the history of the early industrial development, lack of investment英文論文翻譯費用多少錢 capacity and technical conditions, and that was the primary goal is to get rich rule the poor, living in the subsequent environmental objectives. But more important reason is that the gap between the concept of development, coupled with a lack of foresight of early industrialization, environmental damage and the consequences of the pain of personal experience. By the consequences of the awakening of taste only after the important value of environmental protection. Of course, the reality of the important reasons is the difference between economic agents of social responsibility and environmental protection system is not perfect.