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運城翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:ventures, technology dependent status to endure a period of time, and in the process of joint development with partners to find and accumulate its own technology and future development opportunities for its own brand and capabilities. This strategy can also be referred to as "curve roundabout strategy."In theory, these three strategies have some rationality and feasibility, but also have some risk. This difference is essentially three strategies in the long-term goals and short-term trade-offs made on the target, or in the "short and easy but long and difficult" and "difficult but long-term desirable short-term" strategic choice between. Own-brand strategy with the most desirable long-term goal orientation, but can be very difficult short-term operational risk is relatively large, the effect may lack resources attractive returns, of course, through the efforts and if we can achieve the desired strategic objectives, it is a very desirable strategic path. Production-oriented strategy, with a more reasonable short-term economic rationality, technology development and brand strategy, resources and risks are relatively small, and, if successful, there may be "ripe" prospects for the future of the brand; but for a long period of time, due to its own brand and core technology innovation is not strong on the input, mass production economies of scale may not be able to ensure that the economic benefits of good producers, products with higher performance-price ratio may not allow producers to obtain higher added value, in other words, the "do to others awake" and led to the "interests of the drain" phenomenon often become the path of the obvious shortcomings of this strategy. Occasion because of potential strategies, as with foreign companies, especially large multinational joint venture, enjoy the "same boat" benefits, faster access to technology can mimic the effect of production capacity and, despite recent gains, but usually not very high more secure, and that foreign forces can often help relieve some of the immediate operational difficulties and bottlenecks, through the development of enterprises to survive the crisis. This strategic path to significant deficiencies and risks, due to the key and core technologies, and market畢業(yè)論文翻譯成英語文章 control at a disadvantage, technology development and brand building of autonomy may be adversely affected, and if the technology to become dependent on inertia, it could lead to long-term marginalization, loss of "self" long-term development opportunities, so that it may make the third phase of China's industrial development has become out of reach.In short, three strategies have advantages and disadvantages, the actual effect depends on the specific conditions of different industries and strategic implementation capacity of the perpetrators. In the business practice, the implementation of the strategy may not absolutely belong to the three strategies in a particular type, it may be the characteristics of both types of two strategies. However, its basic strategic thinking and path point of view, an enterprise which is always inclined to a certain kind of strategy types. Choose which type of strategy depends on many factors, industry category, corporate power, the existing technical conditions, the choice will affect the strategic choice, and, as the next section of this paper to be discussed, the different concerns of business interests and values ??will profound impact on its strategic options