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林芝翻譯公司關鍵字:August 28, 1945, from just 13 days after工程標書翻譯 項目建議書翻譯 設備標書翻譯 政府采購標書翻譯 軌道工程標書翻譯 鐵路建設標書翻譯 公路建設標書翻譯 橋梁隧道標書翻譯 裝飾工程標書翻譯 房屋建筑標書翻譯 石油標書翻譯 天然氣工程標書翻譯 化工工業(yè)標書翻譯 機電工程標書翻譯 建筑標書翻譯 Japan's surrender, the Japanese MITI officials called Toyota, Nissan and other Japanese car company at the head of Japan's 標書制作行業(yè)industry to build to discuss the problem. MITI officials to the heads of car companies shows that the Government prepared to car 標書制作行業(yè)industry as the leader of the future industrial development plan. But with the pre-war economic structure of militarism in Japan, Toyota, Nissan and other auto companies only the product翻譯招投標書費用和報價ion of military trucks, civilian cars never experience in product翻譯招投標書費用和報價ion, so the "conversion" is not an easy task.Another problem is that the U.S. was the world's largest producer of civilian cars, as a defeated Japan, the United States can not turn off their civilian car market. At that time the Japanese car technology lags far behind the United States, strong competition from cars in the United States, the Japanese cars may not seem to win. But in the "official people" consultative meeting, the participants found that after工程標書翻譯 項目建議書翻譯 設備標書翻譯 政府采購標書翻譯 軌道工程標書翻譯 鐵路建設標書翻譯 公路建設標書翻譯 橋梁隧道標書翻譯 裝飾工程標書翻譯 房屋建筑標書翻譯 石油標書翻譯 天然氣工程標書翻譯 化工工業(yè)標書翻譯 機電工程標書翻譯 建筑標書翻譯 careful research and discussion, the United States was the product翻譯招投標書費用和報價ion of cars are More標書文件涉及到的領域非常的廣泛,即使是針對一個項目的標書文件,會包含法律、經濟、工程技術、商業(yè)等多個相關的專業(yè)領域,在投標過程中,無論是招標方還是投標方所需的翻譯服務種類都須進行相應的調整和重新組合,投標的標書中帶有相關的法律要約性質,標書為了詳細全面的介紹自己并贏得招標方的信任,需要使用極富影響力的商業(yè)用語,所以標書翻譯是法律翻譯和商業(yè)翻譯的結合,因此,作為競標的基礎工作而貫穿于整個投標過程中的標書翻譯服務應由專業(yè)的新華標書翻譯公司提供。 than 1500 ml displacement of large cars, almost no product翻譯招投標書費用和報價ion of 1500 milliliters of small cars. If the Japanese product翻譯招投標書費用和報價ion of 1500 milliliters of small cars, then it can be avoided with the United States automobile manufacturers in direct competition, which is Japan's only way to develop civilian cars. In the "official public" consultation meeting to determine the displacement 1500 ml to the following small cars as the leading Japan's economic development strategy. So the "official public" consultation will be the development of Japan's civilian car 標書制作行業(yè)industry origin. The correct economic strategy for the rapid development of the Japanese economy was laid a solid foundation.Second, the initial strugglingSeptember 2, 1945, the Supreme Allied Commander stationed in Japan, issued a directive to ban all cars produced in Japan. This is Japan's civilian vehicle development program, is undoubtedly a heavy blow. Was Kiichiro Toyoda, Toyota's president announced to the staff: "The company will journey into suffering, perhaps even unable to pay wages, would like to wish to stay please can decide." A few days later, 8,000 employees of Toyota's only 3,000 people. Nothing can be used in Toyota had engaged in auto repair, while iron and other producing civilian commodities.At the same time, Japanese government officials began to petition the Allied Command, Allied Command urge Japan to allow a certain number of product翻譯招投標書費用和報價ion cars. They say the traffic has Feixu of Japan, need car to transport food and other necessities. after工程標書翻譯 項目建議書翻譯 設備標書翻譯 政府采購標書翻譯 軌道工程標書翻譯 鐵路建設標書翻譯 公路建設標書翻譯 橋梁隧道標書翻譯 裝飾工程標書翻譯 房屋建筑標書翻譯 石油標書翻譯 天然氣工程標書翻譯 化工工業(yè)標書翻譯 機電工程標書翻譯 建筑標書翻譯 consideration, the Allied Command, on September 28, 1945 Japan agreed to produce 1500 trucks per month, but still banned Japanese product翻譯招投標書費用和報價ion of cars.How to prevent the product翻譯招投標書費用和報價ion car to do? It would first engage in research, carried out first trial. Engage in research, 翻譯技術標書那家公司最好?must first have sufficient technical staff, Kiichiro Toyoda began to search around and technicians. Just when many in the development of the "Zero" aircraft and other military and technical personnel of enterprises large number of unemployed at home, Kiichiro Toyoda, a stretch of More標書文件涉及到的領域非常的廣泛,即使是針對一個項目的標書文件,會包含法律、經濟、工程技術、商業(yè)等多個相關的專業(yè)領域,在投標過程中,無論是招標方還是投標方所需的翻譯服務種類都須進行相應的調整和重新組合,投標的標書中帶有相關的法律要約性質,標書為了詳細全面的介紹自己并贏得招標方的信任,需要使用極富影響力的商業(yè)用語,所以標書翻譯是法律翻譯和商業(yè)翻譯的結合,因此,作為競標的基礎工作而貫穿于整個投標過程中的標書翻譯服務應由專業(yè)的新華標書翻譯公司提供。 than 200 technical personnel recruiting.Toyota cars in Germany as a prototype, started to develop displacement 1000 ml of SA-type cars. In January 1947, a trial became the first SA-type cars. But this car is not by a group of technical staff engaged in product翻譯招投標書費用和報價 awareness out, to focus only on the advanced technology, not taking into account the ease of product翻譯招投標書費用和報價ion and cost price招投標書翻譯價格. SA-type cars with a lot of the time very advanced technology, such as wheel independent suspension organizations. However, due to excessive use of new technology, high product翻譯招投標書費用和報價ion cost of the vehicle