新華翻譯社總機:4008281111   客服部地址:南大街6號國務院機關第二招待賓館(國二招)3號樓B5319室

廊坊翻譯公司關鍵字:The congress party has made it clear that adhering to the work of agriculture on the economy first, stabilize the party's basic rural policies, deepen rural reform, to ensure that agricultural and rural economic development and increase farmers' income. At this stage of China's arable land resources and the relative lack of peasant family decentralized operation, did not form scale, high cost of agricultural production, planting crops in the variety, quality, yield, etc. can not and foreign large-scale intensive agricultural competitiveness. Present to address agricultural and rural problems, increase farmers' income, fundamentally speaking, we must accelerate agricultural and rural economic restructuring, vigorously develop industrial management of agriculture, actively promote the transformation of traditional agriculture to modern agricultureKeywords agricultural industryIndustrial structure, refers to the various national economic sectors and industries within the contrast between the various departments and with the situation. Rational industrial structure refers to the national economy sectors, and among the various departments within the industry to establish the best combination of state. This means that all sectors of industry and society demand balance, in order to make full use of manpower, material resources, wit, sustained and coordinated development of national economy and create the necessary conditions. The face of scientific and technological revolution the world economic structure, accelerate the development and restructuring of the trend, as China's economy from subsistence to the well-off forward, the industrial structure not suited to become an increasingly prominent form of development, the main manifestations are: irrational industrial structure; production can not meet the changes in market翻譯市場行情價格多少錢 demand; weak agricultural base; infrastructure meet the needs of economic and social development; service behind; processing a large number of idle manufacturing capacity; product structure is irrational; regional economic structure is irrational; blind duplication, resulting in greatly waste. Therefore, adjust and optimize industrial structure, promote the rationalization of industrial structure for China's modernization drive is important. Reasonably determine口譯定價標準 the direction of change in industrial structure and development priorities related to modernization as a whole. In order to better achieve the "three-step" strategy, Deng Xiaoping proposed the idea to promote the overall focus for China's industrial structure adjustment and optimization of clear direction. According to China's economic realities and changes in industrial structure and development trend of the objective, adjust and optimize the industrial structure of the direction of efforts to strengthen primary industry, secondary industry to adjust and improve, and actively develop the tertiary industry. That is to say, the first industry to