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日喀則翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:technical support to help find and find those companies and is being pirated software piracy "(see the major media coverage). This is a very selfless work, is to lead the "ignorance" of the Chinese people toward prosperity and charity work. December 20, 2002, one of the three largest IT media group, the CMP under the well-known IT portal TechWeb.com (CMP publication brings together the entire IT media content), in an important position in the launch of its editor Fredric Paul's article , entitled "Software piracy not the case." Article for the anti-piracy bodies - the Business Software Alliance (BSA) and published by Microsoft and other anti-piracy remarks questioned. He said that they promote software piracy caused losses of $ 10 billion of the basic assumptions, not only absurd, but also disgusting. Because these pirates do not naturally become high users of genuine software.Posts that enhance the rate of genuine software, you can not rely on the carrot stick against policy, but should be made more cheaply in countries with high piracy rates of those users, can afford to use the software. Most of them had used the piracy, only because can not afford, because it's that simple. Price is not the kind of publicity the root causes of piracy argument is self-defeating. The authors say, not to mention Microsoft's software for Vietnam, China, users in developing countries is too expensive, even the Fortune 500 companies have already can not afford it!If we think deeply, we can not issue question: as a "private institutions", BSA was able to "assist" the Chinese legislature, but also hands-on "support" and "help" Chinese law enforcement. Visible, BSA is "too much on body" feeling in China to act. Late last year, when the level of protection against over the world the voice of the software appears, BSA in China's "little brother" CSA (China Software Alliance) is a prominent figure who denied the impact of BSA software protection legislation in China, "lobbying" activities. Today, BSA of bigwigs that they have publicly acknowledged their "assistance" work. A private organization was able to this attitude, so interference of legislation and enforcement of a sovereign, it is an incredible thing, is even more incredible, BSA so "offside", actually is still an open call out the media. Well, now it is really in play in, should play?