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曲靖翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:the auction began in the era of Charles II (1660), when the British gentry in the auction and even become a trend.It was suggest翻譯報價包括口譯價格ed that "the auction of the winds in Europe and America China, before and after the Opium War began in modern times, especially in the Qing Dynasty (1821. .1850), Before the auction in China has been a blank" ③. So, China's auction and the auction industry began when, how formed? The origins of its formation and social history and cultural background and the context is how a track? This is a study of previous writings on Chinese auction, often all say no one is ignored or a problem. At this point, some slightly Analysis, will discuss gains and see taught in each.First, the "auction" and "Auction IndustryAuction, also known as "bid" or "auctions" is a typical market翻譯市場行情價格多少錢 economy with a special color commodities trading. Modern auction, usually refers to the auction houses in a certain time and place, according to certain regulations and rules, through public bidding and pricing of payment method, the seller of the property合理翻譯收費 should be sold to the highest bidder to buy a commodity trading way.1996 enactment of the "Republic of China Auction Law," the third chapter, on the "auction" concept, made such a provision: "refers to an open bidding auction in the form of specific goods or property合理翻譯收費 rights to be transferred to the highest the trading price of those. "or words, are the main features of the auction bid, bid. So, when China emerged from the auction it? As pawn in China began in the Southern Buddhist temple library, now seen in the earliest literature of China's auction, but also from the ancient temple. But, the pawn has been out of the temple in the Tang Dynasty formed a specialized industry, community, and the auction was behind a dozen centuries, until the Qing Dynasty, had just landed in foreign auction local context, the formation of not in the temple, "to sing to sell" a specialized commercial trade industry. In view of this, relatively late emergence of China's modern history of the auction industry, can be divided into two stages: First, from the late Qing dynasty, China's first modern appearance of the auction house, to the late 1950s (the last one in 1958 in Tianjin auction houses out of business) after the disappearance of the continent in this industry; Second Guangzhou in November 1986 set up the auction house as a sign of the industry back to the present. Although over half a century before the stage, but the peak of its development, the country's auction houses, but also more than 20 total. However, the only development in the second section of the 1986 to 1995 in just 10 years, the audit was released by the Ministry of Domestic Trade auction house, has as many as 133, is 80 years of four or five times the previous stage . July 5, 1996, the Eighth National People's Congress examined and adopted the