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張掖翻譯公司關鍵字:Third, the market's advanceTo date, there has not been how to establish a market economy model or formula, and can say with certainty how a market economy is not specific, but there are several aspects of its premise really is, is we are still to the market the economy the way it should work towards: the first is to recognize the economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 interests of each person, endorsed the assumption of rational economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 man. Market participants must be for their own profit, and if altruism popular in the market, the role of the market will completely collapse, for example, the value of a commodity is a triple, as the seller you are chosen to consider the use of three ten yuan to buy, then providing the market with the wrong information, the resource allocation system will be completely confusing, the basic role of the market by the injury. To recognize each person's economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 interests, the property must be implemented, or what each person producing the property of others, or property of others, something his own production, the production of enthusiasm will disappear, go slow, lazy and so will spread it. Second, the market should be to achieve equality. Strong buy and strong sell or privilege by virtue of a favorable position in the market, in essence, undermine fair competition and price equalization mechanism, thereby undermining the market's allocation of resources. If a society the prevalence of administrative monopoly, the market's role will be limited to a small extent, even the market will continue to stifle the vitality. Therefore, to achieve equality is essential for the development of a market economy, but only limited to economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 equality is obviously unrealistic, the whole society must be eliminated in the privilege, prerogative to intervene in order to prevent the economy. China has a long feudal history, although the feudal class in the system have been eliminated, but the fact that this ghost is still feudal ideas kept wandering in this ancient land, the resulting privilege of thinking is still very popular, privileged In fact, there is exclusion of fair competition, which is building a market economy, China is a major obstacle, or that we have in many ways only the cloak of the market economy and the lack of the real reasons. Once again, give full play to the creativity of each subject, do not use some of the policy專業(yè)翻譯公司收費價格 to stifle the vitality of the market. Market system driving the economy continues to move forward, the eternal progress of the policy專業(yè)翻譯公司收費價格 will only impede productivity, school system that "adaptive efficiency" concept, Marx also pointed out that productivity determines the superstructure of the emergence and development of productive forces, but it has a huge reaction, if the superstructure can not adapt to the development of productivity, although it changes to happen sooner or later, but have a fear, hinder productivity, if the artificial maintenance of some of the outdated system, the impediment will be more serious. Fourth, the rule of law, abide by common rules, pay attention to credit. The rule of law is to use pre-established rules and not overnight change the order to determine people's behavior. Credit is the basis of market economy, the lack of credit market panic and short-term popular place, so its role will be severely affected. In China's market, a flexible and adaptable system is very important. We have historically very powerful, but in modern times, but quickly weakened, and the reason, conservative and closed system is the first culprit. The history of China's system of repression and enslavement of people, any possible innovations, including the seeds of the market system, in the face of the powerful feudal autocracy will be stifled. Europe's Middle Ages is also dead, Christian dominated everyone's thinking, if not later ideological liberation of Europe from the Renaissance, capitalism, it is difficult to develop. A clear need for flexible market economy system, need a variety of innovative, otherwise you will lose the vitality of its own. As China's feudal system of static, so China has not been a complete sense of capitalism, forcing us to a socialist market-oriented under the still to complete the task. According to the Western market economy development experience, the system is not in the market who raised foresight, but the long-term options in the market was finally confirmed through continuous improvement down. Foreign market system should move to China of course is easy, the problem is that the factors that make these systems work is often hidden behind the habit, consciousness, thinking and other non-system stuff, so copying someone else's system of many developing countries Its market economy is incomplete, or just do not like the shape of the gods. Many people believe that the government政府許可的定點正規(guī)翻譯公司 in the economy to develop a variety of systems, because the government政府許可的定點正規(guī)翻譯公司 can not observe the market in advance of each change, especially the innovative aspects of the changes, so if the government政府許可的定點正規(guī)翻譯公司 will add to the system from the external market, it will inevitably innovation may be stifled, stifled the vitality of the market. If the system as a product, then, many people still plan to pursue the system of product production, ie production of the government政府許可的定點正規(guī)翻譯公司 to determine what kind of system, how to produce, and then under the government政府許可的定點正規(guī)翻譯公司's intention to distribute these systems, which may lead to a planned economy When the form of single and does not meet the requirements of system products flourish. Therefore, China's market-oriented economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 system should first solve the problem of how to market. The real economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 system by the market participants for the creation and selection, based on game theory point of view, a good system, equilibrium may not be able to enter into a balanced state of the system is not necessarily good, so the government政府許可的定點正規(guī)翻譯公司 should produce market various systems for the screening, that is a good system for recognition rather than brains to develop a variety of systems. There is a huge market in the production efficiency, but it will also have some negative social impact. Some people may enjoy the happiness of the fruit market, but it is inevitable that some will fall into the market of misfortune, the reason is very simple: the market only in the production of the most effective, if a poor man can not contribute to production in he will lose the market place, so also nothing in the distribution. As the market economy, is the allocation of production rather than a moral decision, it is often poverty and wealth coexist. Assigned too great a market economy, the first drawback, but only in the distribution issue, which in turn affect the manner of production, and thus will be less available for distribution of products, so the eradication of poverty must first develop production, development of market economy, rather than limit the market economy. The second drawback is that the market information and transaction costs. In theory, market the products should be produced to the best place to go to achieve its exchange value, in the whole society in order to optimize resource configuration. The reality is that producers can not fully understand the information or information is too costly, or because of objective conditions such as transport and therefore can not realize its value to the best place to exchange. So the market can not solve the problem of trading, information and transaction costs affect the market in terms of production efficiency, the resulting waste of resources. But so far, people have yet to find a more efficient system of production, according to the school of institutional economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的s point of view, the most sensible approach is from the outside of perfect information and transaction costs. Therefore, the government政府許可的定點正規(guī)翻譯公司 should also do a variety of after-care services market economy: addressing market information and transaction costs are not fully solve the problem of social inequality, to solve problems of externalities. But one thing is clear, that the state interventionism can not say no effect, but if it is rampant, the economy will eventually have a negative impact. Share on Chinese paper download http://www.studa.net