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深圳翻譯公司關鍵字:2, what a surprise? Chaos of the world economy but also bring the "charm of China", and caused me to accelerate the international capital diversion to a new pattern. Slowdown in world economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 growth before and after the pattern of international capital flows has undergone considerable change. According to the Asian Development Bank, "Asian Development Outlook 2001" Statistics, in 1998-1999, the global direct investment were 759 billion and $ 1.091 trillion, of which mutual investment between developed countries 56.5 billion U.S. dollars and $ 878 billion, flows to the developing direct investment in the country有資質(zhì)的正規(guī)翻譯公司哪個好 was only 194.1 billion and 212.1 billion U.S. dollars, direct investment flows to Asia were 84.6 billion and 869 billion dollars. In the third quarter of 2000 before the trend of strong U.S. economy, a large number of international hot money has been drawn to the United States. According to the U.S. First Boston Trust Bank estimates, the United States to take up a global net savings of 72%! Therefore, before stalling in the world economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 growth, the EU and Japan are the largest net capital outflow region, while the United States is the largest net inflow region, as Asian and other developing countries, is basically insignificant. economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 growth in the U.S. unexpectedly devastated the occasion, the U.S. stock market has no glory, the Fed cut interest rates under the impact of the three negative factors. U.S. long-term convergence of international capital, will have to find a new way, the possibility of diversion to Asia and other emerging market countries and developing countries, China? Where in view of international capital flows, where the short term the economy will heat up quickly, then the Asian economies will a blessing in disguise, because of the massive influx of capital to accelerate growth? This is unlikely. From 2001 to see the pattern of capital flows during the first half, first quarter of 2001 the euro area direct investment and portfolio capital outflow of 86 billion euros net, and the first quarter of last year a net outflow of 42.9 billion euros. Japan's net capital outflow in the first quarter of 2.2292 trillion yen, of which a net outflow of direct investment 1.6422 trillion yen, a net outflow of portfolio investment 90.8 billion yen, a net outflow of other investment 496.3 billion yen. Although the second half of 2000, both U.S. economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 growth and the stock market dive, but the inflow of international capital, the U.S. stock market still as high as $ 171.8 billion ($ 98.7 billion in 1999); into the U.S. corporate bond market reached $ 294.1 billion of international capital (1999 of $ 232.8 billion). First quarter of 2001, international capital flows into the U.S. stock market reached $ 155 billion still! But, after all, international capital diversion from the United States is any indication, for example, first quarter of 2001, mutual funds, stocks pulled out of Vietnam from the United States tens of billions of dollars. Therefore, the recent pattern of international capital flows are: the United States as a safe haven for international capital has been weakened glory, may give rise to international capital diversion, but as the primary destination of capital from Europe and Japan still no change.