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遼陽翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:Has been more and more people see the prospect of social unrest, has also seen economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 growth can not simply approach to security and stability, because it is now with the 1980s and first half of the 1990s different, just keep a certain level of economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 growth, full employment can be achieved. So it was suggested to start from a sound social security system's stability mechanism to solve social problems. However, unemployment is to solve the new problem of unemployment protection, to solve the new minimum standard of living of urban low-income population protection, we can solve only 20% of the industrial sector to absorb labor that structural imbalances do On the other hand, the reason why China can maintain a relatively high worldwide growth rate benefited from the large inflows of foreign investment and global trends in the transfer of manufacturing to China, and can form an important reason for this positive trend, in addition to China the advantage of low wages, but also because of China's low level of social protection, social security spending in the proportion of product cost in negligible, if China's industrialization is far from complete when the come up with a better social security system, China's international competitive advantage will be lost, foreign investment will flow to other low-cost wages and social security areas. Foreign capital inflows into China can now see the most direct, is the biggest advantage is that we can increase employment, improve social security if as a result of the level of foreign capital inflow stagnation, China's economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 growth will fall, employment will be more inadequate, the resulting form of unemployment and income issues that may seriously than it is now.Therefore, the potential for social unrest in China, not China's social security system is not perfect, but can not achieve full employment, which must be solved only 20% of the industrial sector to accommodate the problem of employment, the key to solve this problem is to promote the urbanization . Since the early days of reform, China has proposed to restructure the economy in recent years, China's economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 structure has become a consensus needs to be adjusted, but still that much more for less, has no major action. Structural contradiction is China's largest three industries of employment dislocation structure and output structure, the first half of this year, agricultural output in the three industries, the proportion has dropped to 9%, but also the proportion of agricultural labor force accounts for 50%. China to see from the output characteristics of the proportion of $ 3,000 per capita GDP is the country有資質(zhì)的正規(guī)翻譯公司哪個好, but from looking at the proportion of labor and rural population, or the typical $ 500 per capita national characteristics. Percentage of the GDP supply capacity on behalf of the community, and represents the proportion of the purchasing power of labor, if the output capacity of the community has to meet the needs of countries per capita $ 3,000, while the main body of the population is still rural, can only absorb $ 500 per capita output, social The total supply and total demand is always faced with the huge gap between supply and demand, which is that China will face long-term deflationary trend is due, is only China can be achieved in the export-led high economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 growth. The structure of this great conflict is not resolved, it is difficult to use, what other way to resolve conflicts resulting underemployment. Why are only 20% of the industrial sector to absorb labor? It is because China's current high-growth sectors are export-oriented sectors, and to meet only 10% of the wealthy families demand and production departments, these departments is highly concentrated in electronics, machinery, metallurgy, chemical and other capital and technology intensive industries, these industries are growing only absorb a large amount of capital and technology and less need for labor. Urban and rural population, the gap between income and consumer spending more than three times the direct result of urbanization, high-income population, while the city just farmers who are most in need of low-end labor-intensive consumer goods. If you have 300 million rural population into the city, that more than 50% of China's urbanization rate of China's consumer goods production will need more than 2-fold increase now, which is the market and economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 growth. Is now the city has a large number of surplus funds, a large number of rural surplus labor, from the space structure is a surplus of funds in the coastal, western part of the surplus labor, there are capital and labor productivity can be formed, capital and labor can not be combined with the allocation of resources is not well reasonable and unreasonable allocation of resources to solve the key problem is urbanization. Rural town, high-income population will not increase wage costs, because it is structural change, not the per capita wage increase, so the large-scale urbanization in China to promote the process will not lead to loss of international competitiveness. In summary, China's current economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 development, in general, towards the good side, but there are a lot of problems as soon as possible, requires a number of major strategic initiatives. As long as we recognize the contradiction between the reality of economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 operation, it will not blind optimism and pessimism, not anxious and hesitant, but solid to resolve these difficulties and problems