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蘭州翻譯公司關鍵字:(3) non-financial deficiencies. As the absence of formal financial markets, financial institutions can not meet the formal development of the rural economy the demand for financial services, therefore, non-formal financial organizations (also known as private finance) in the areas of financial management beyond the inhibition of spontaneous active. Private financial institutions in rural areas relative to rural areas in terms of official financial institutions, is not included in the People's Bank of China and other financial regulatory agencies conventional management systems of financial institutions, the existence of the specific form of the rural cooperative foundations, underground banking, foreign exchange payment shops underground and polymerization. Over the years, private banking in China largely as underground banking, and blindly carry out remediation. However, private banking is the "whole" and not down, often on the regulation of contraction of about thunder, thunder is over and "revived" and even more prosperous. The existence of private finance in rural areas, it also underlined the formal financial institutions can not meet the farmers' financial (especially loans) service needs, and private banking just to make up for this deficiency. The current farmers to obtain loans private personal loans is the main channel, an estimated 50% to 65% of households received informal loans, household loans in the proportion of people borrowing more than 70%; rural "usury" has 80 billion to 1.4 trillion yuan. If non-formal financial institutions resulting from the actual effectiveness analysis, to a certain extent, fill the farmers and rural economic development in a number of township enterprises in the financial services vacancies, breaking the ABC, credit cooperatives and other formal financial institutions, the pattern of world domination, and promote innovation in rural financial institutions and the rural financial market development, rural economic development has played a certain role. However, private loans do not have the legal status has not achieving the standard development, it is difficult to effectively complement the industrial management of the main demand for funds, and, private non-formal financial institutions have their fatal weaknesses and shortcomings, it is easy to violation of financial laws and regulations or high interest rates, disrupt the country's financial order; a considerable portion of funds may flow to some of the improper or illegal business activities as a booster for illegal activities; risk-based supervision is not strict, there is a big risk. And a considerable part of private lending is still taking an oral agreement and other forms of non-standard loans, the interest rate is relatively high, not only restricted the demand for funds, has become the source of many legal disputes. Therefore, the private financial deficiencies, resulting in difficult to support the industrialization of agriculture as an important force.