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汕頭翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字: First, we look at from a political point of view the status of private enterprises, I think we all agree that the Chinese Communist Party's rule, at least in the past 30 years, when the most stable, is now the most stable. And why now the most stable? One reason is the great development of private enterprises for the state to solve a number of problems. We are the most troublesome problem is laid off, unemployment or employment in rural areas, over the years, to solve the employment problem Who contributed the most to do? Private enterprises, private enterprises. Now look at what local government leaders, not because of unemployment problems and headaches, that is, private enterprises, private economic development, the fastest and best place, any place, if he Si Shouzhao holding state-owned enterprises, private enterprises do not want to release this local conditions facing many of the headaches of political issues, which is to increase national unity brought about a very negative impact. Statistics about our petition, which are mostly dominated by state-owned enterprises, private economy dominated by the situation where both petitions is much smaller than the leading companies, from the political point of view, there is no major development of private enterprises, the political will of our country so strong in the future I still believe that without the development of private economy continues to address employment issues, see more profits, so the country can not continue to stability. Second, we need to look at the vision of globalization the importance of private enterprise, we are now the era of global competition, the strength of a country of this era, a country's international status of the position, force, largely depends on the country's enterprises in the international status and power. If there is no development of Chinese private enterprises, Chinese enterprises can not we in the international standing, is impossible. Our large state-owned enterprises, may now enter the world 500 strong, we know that there is no real international status, people do not regard him as a true enterprise view, but as a government view, the many Western countries do not recognize us a market economy is an important reason, as long as a large number of state-owned enterprises in the leading sectors of the economy, the international Conference on does not recognize you as a market economy countries. International recognition of you this, in turn, compete in the international market at a disadvantage position in which, people can readily use the anti-dumping measures to stop you compete with him. We further look at the new technology, R & D investment, no development of private enterprises, which can not, the future of China, we want to be China's economic position in the international arena, development of private enterprises is a key factor, especially in our China's economic development to this point today, after a lot of industry should be integrated, not integrated, the Chinese economy is no great hope.We give an example, the whole six thousand Chinese pharmaceutical companies, no one company can come up with hundreds of millions a year of funding for R & D investment, a large international pharmaceutical companies, a new drug R & D costs of production, from development to market, an average of one billion U.S. dollars, which the future of our businesses can compete with international companies, now it does not. So now the integration of enterprises is very important, the question is who is going to integrate Chinese companies, China's industry. We see now nothing more than three candidates, the first integrated state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, the second integration, the third foreign-funded enterprises to integrate. We can not give private enterprises to create good conditions, this task can only fall on the state-owned enterprises. Proved over the past 25 years of reform, state-owned enterprises did not undertake this task way, this is Harvard professor Mr. Wang Yajun a book of the past 20 years, limit the development of private enterprise is to protect state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises do not protect the actual time, hand large-scale foreign-funded enterprises a comprehensive, full access to China, to become China's most important an economic power. I am not saying foreign companies to enter the well, breaking the old foreign-funded enterprises in our system is very important to the future, we still need to be considered a problem, if we do not allow private enterprises to integrate the Chinese economy, the state-owned enterprises can not afford to assume this task , but only to the integration of China's future foreign mission to divest itself, that is, ten years later, we see the brand on the Chinese market companies, large-scale foreign-funded enterprises are basically. Chinese private enterprises, state-owned enterprises, in addition to a few monopoly industries, the basic are the people of the two suppliers, third-tier suppliers, or even four, five