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畢節(jié)翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字: Zhou Zuoliang words represent the situation in China is typical of the mentality of an entrepreneur. So, entrepreneurs, and too much government support in obtaining the care of the situation, get it? I think, will get some resources to get money, get some government benefits, but often the end is still possible to become a government "care." This can be said to be "s wisdom wrong." Now there is a saying that "stock speculation as shareholders." Our entrepreneurs are sometimes "near" the government will "Pong" to? Sometimes "Pong" has become a government "care." We must recognize that government has a natural monopoly. Government officials with entrepreneurs "relationship" is unequal. Government's objectives and business goals are often not the same, some government officials, the goal is how to keep going up, while the entrepreneur's goal is to expand the business to sustainable development. Only entrepreneurs with the goal of unity of government officials, the government officials will really support the entrepreneurs. When entrepreneurs and government officials, development objectives inconsistent with the objectives to enhance the time, entrepreneurs may be hard to get government officials. And government officials are constantly replaced, the new officials will not necessarily buy the old official accounts. Your relationship with the incumbent mayor well, but the next mayor will not necessarily accept that you signed a contract with the incumbent mayor and the mayor of your current commitments. Important is that sometimes there is no way to fulfill government commitments. As we just said Zhou Zuoliang, he would have been a very successful entrepreneur, with government encouragement and support, had only 500 million of assets a business, invested 1.5 billion of assets of the three major projects. Government to give him support and let him do a one credit, close to the deposits with credit unions to support his business investment. The credit union's power is limited, and contracted out to another credit union in Wuhan, the credit in the market with very high interest rates to finance for him. His cost of capital up to 30%, 50% or even 100%. So he has not completed the project, when 1.5 billion of investment, interest has been 690 million. This time the Government will stand up for what he has this 690 million? Very difficult, because many local government is not very comfortable. So in this case, the last unlucky who? Not a government official, but Zhou Zuoliang. Shi Yuzhu situation is similar to the three higher-level care, make him very excited, more than a dozen layers of the giant building into 70 layers, but in the end bankruptcy is Shi Yuzhu, rather than government officials. I think this is a profound lesson: In dealing with the relationship with government officials, our entrepreneurs to keep a clear head. The most important is the inner strength entrepreneursWe now have any way to solve this problem? From the government side, is to significantly reduce the power of the Government, the Government, large and small, all aspects of the organization truly give up the monopoly of resources, so that business into a real personal freedom, resources can flow freely in the market . Should continue to regulate the government's behavior. For entrepreneurs, to properly grasp their own, not dependent on government officials not, but certainly over-reliance on government officials to be a big problem. So this time how ambiguous with government officials to maintain a state, is a demanding art, requirements of a good entrepreneur to grasp. Long-term perspective, the most important is the inner strength, the government can give you some financial support, it is important that your product must have a market, consumers must ultimately be accepted. Government forces consumers to buy your product has become increasingly smaller powers. So do not pin their hopes on some government officials who do not spend too much time in relationships with those on government officials. I would like to warn those who have a very high position in the entrepreneurs. Ultimately win the consumer is your product, your product's reputation, is your business management system and efficiency. Linked to what the title, there is a momentary advantage, can increase your visibility, improve your business visibility. However, this recognition without the company's products, the support of corporate reputation, it is to collapse down.