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常德翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:change the past, "clerk + commission" sales model, from the specific product design, the insurance company can be in the past purely cost-based insurance products into a "fee - free of charge." cycle of cumulative protection model, that is profitable enough to support a number of years after the deadline, the occurrence of the insured risk and without a claim, you can continue to enjoy a certain period of free security, protection of the free period should the insured is attractive enough in order to stimulate the initial motivation for the insured to the insurance in the true sense of the bigger market for insurance business to lay the foundation for further expansion. Let's put the above process is called an insurance 'paid - free "cycle. After n times this "paid - free" cycle, the insured can enjoy a life free allowance. This is bound to produce very attractive, contribute to the vital interests of the insured, while the interests of policy holders with full guarantee, the insurance company must in turn promote the flourishing business by expanding the volume of business to achieve more profits. In addition, the insured had not occurred to those long-term risk of life insurance policyholders with reference to a certain percentage of the practice of the implementation of principal or return of the amount insured in proportion to the corresponding dividend is to promote win-win situation with the insurance company the insured an important way. In short, once the insurance company's operating philosophy after the change, the real profit will depend on whether the cooperation mechanism design. But only the first change in business philosophy, coupled with scientifically sound policyholders and insurance companies benefit and win-win mechanism design, this new type of commercial health insurance model will be successful. 2, dual feedback effect of credit mutual aid model.2.1 Theory and practice of the inspired 2005's "family" magazine published a two documentary articles, put it all leukemia patients struggle with the illness story. Plot is very touching. First is that "donation of life", the story of the hero in the same room seeing other patients to continue treatment due to insufficient funds can not help but had to give up after the initiation of their treatment costs remaining few million donation room another friend with the idea that he quietly go home and wait the arrival of the last days. Who knows, who met friends in the disease in the recipient refuses, the matter in the media caused a strong reaction. In order to give them medical treatment, Ningbo public to come and contribute, eventually they both had been treated. Another one is that there is a rural secondary school teachers, in the recently married his girlfriend was found suffering from leukemia, finally exhausted in the multi-party financing, they seek to support his alma mater. In Shaoyang Teachers College, holding their knees knees rose, tenacious struggle with fate. This time, raising a donation of $ 200,000 and to obtain enough bone marrow transplant costs. From these two things we can see the love the community is commendable, we look forward to love, but love after all, not a mechanism in front of the illness, many people do not look forward to the final coming of love. We expect to have more love in this world at the same time, by means of building an effective system of personal risk of major diseases, the social assistance system should be the wiser choice. However, this rescue mechanism in the end how to build it? 200 years ago, British economist Adam Smith pointed out the way for us. Smith said, caught up in the numerous socio-economic phenomenon, hidden behind the fact is a relationship between people's interests. If we can interest means the connection between people more effectively together, then you want to do anything more likely to succeed. Adam Smith on the relationships established in this section describe above, then the formation of Western economics, "economic man" hypothesis. Now this "economic man" hypothesis has been regarded as the premise of modern economics and in all areas of society in general to practice with. 2.2 credit mutual feedback double-effect model. Based on the above combination of inspiration and practical, to form a "one for all, every man for me," the mutual support model, that is, the collective strength to mitigate risk. In this mode, every n-person staff (approximate) to form a joint security unit, a standard donation of $ X $, pre-support channels (basic medical insurance, supplementary insurance, serious illness) can be taken to raise money for the W1 element, the actual medical need cost of P dollars, lie in the mutual aid should be made by employees amounted to W, then W = P-W1 = nX · α (α coefficient for the contribution that each bank according to the standard X contributions from each account the ratio of the actual transfer .) Deformation can get the formula, α = (P-W1) / nX. In the following example, set n = 10,000 people, X = 100 元, P = 60 萬元, W1 = 20 million, then W = 40 萬元, α = 40%, so the second person should contribute X · α = 40 dollars, the funds allocated by the bank of medical institutions. These are the contributions of this new model of mutual aid model. From the foregoing, the model does not require pre-payment of the participants, he just accept the credit agreement (to become a member, to accept the rights and obligations of members), the other members of his support when the risk occurs in real time they performed, This direct access to real-time feedback, and thus better understand the joy of helping others. This brings the joy of helping others help themselves is an important mental stimulation, which is also conducive to long-term implementation of this mutual aid model. In addition, the so-called "Accidents will happen, people have always happens," risk is always there in person, no one can