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鷹潭翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:because they get a certain amount of wealth accumulation, the necessary requirement for political asylum policy, to ensure the durability of the economic benefits expected [16]; the other hand, pre-reform "decentralization", all levels of government had its own independent interest orientation (Don Juan, 1996, Xie Yue, 2004), which is the elite group of conspiring with bureaucracy [17], to achieve its political infiltration, provide the possibility. This penetration mainly as elite groups through the bureaucracy necessary to rent in exchange for the system and policy of indirect but powerful influence of, or directly to the bureaucrats who appear in the political system more directly affect the system [18]. This way, the government (top) in game not only faced with the elite groups, but also by their own bureaucratic constraints, because as bureaucracy (or specific officials) have been given a certain amount of discretion, then a implement the system or policy is to what extent, usually depends on the interpretation of the bureaucracy, and their interest in the implementation and efficiency (Yang Guangbin, 2000). We note that, due to the elite groups and collusion with the bureaucracy of the mixed mode in the transition to obtain a considerable amount of interest, to become the biggest vested interests, so the group's most important action logic is that maintaining such a model and enable them to make further profit toward the direction of evolution. This is obviously the most senior government-led institutional change direction contrary. Therefore, the government-led in the game to face a dilemma, if the logic of force according to their previous advance institutional change, it will inevitably encounter resistance from the elite group of effective and efficient bureaucratic system to run on the system of artificial lower; but if you want a certain through induced cognitive benefits reached the coordination, the path will make the first set of arrangements stranded [19]. Secondly, the Government appeared to some extent, the legitimacy of the power crisis, which makes their game with the public social support decreased. When the reform to the structural adjustment phase, its nature is no longer the previous stage to promote the common interests of society as a whole, and more performance for the rearrangement of the pattern of distribution of benefits. The public interest and the relative dispersion of social stratification was evident. On the one hand, elite groups and collusion with the bureaucracy, bureaucracy and even the family network of relationships, in the process learned a great deal of social resources, and accumulated a large number of private wealth, while the other part of the case is quite weak a loss of interest groups in the social security system is still not perfect and mutual interests of the social capital impact of apathy in [20] environment, their living conditions deteriorated markedly. Result, a sharp widening social gap between rich and poor, the pubic, especially vulnerable groups mentioned above are extremely dissatisfied with the status quo [21], the system of government and government support for the supply decreased, while a gradual increase in social protest (Xie Yue, 2004). Between the government and the public cost of the game increased, because the public interest relative dispersion trend, the Government of cognitive coordination is difficult, therefore, government-led push the power base upon which present crisis. In addition, because the modern media system developed to make the public perception in terms of information access and greater capacity to share information arising from the government because the authority is declining. Third, the Government's strategy in the game process in combination has also been a certain degree of intrusion, making rational government response defect. We summarize the systematic harassment of such interference and random interference. The so-called systematic harassment is the government build its strategy in combination, subject to the status quo from the political system lags behind the constraints. Government-led bureaucracy needs the complete system and political structure, so we see that in the Chinese market-oriented reforms in order to ensure that government-led feasibility, economic reform, but to retain the existing government administrative system. However, as a complete system, an important part of the structure of the political system lags behind, not only reduces the efficiency of market-oriented system, but with a large number of rent-seeking bureaucrats, and the system of government to promote the setting up difficulties. However, if the political system is also consistent with the economic system of institutional change, it is difficult to extend the logic of government-led political system, there can be no guarantee the effectiveness of changes. The so-called random interference is, in the specific system configuration and implementation, you may encounter non-synchronous or reality of informal constraints and formal constraints of inefficient or ineffective barriers. As mentioned earlier, informal constraints follow the logic of a spontaneous evolution, its rate was significantly slower than the government to promote a strong institutional change, but it restricts the official text of the actual efficiency of the system, if the Government's strategy includes a combination of non- conflict with the formal constraints of components, will inevitably meet the public's emotional resistance [22]. On the other hand, a general lack of rule of law and the spirit of the aforementioned variety of reasons, making the formal system has been promulgated by some of the present state of inefficient or ineffective, so the new system will not be able to provide the necessary support for effective institutional environment. In summary, the government-led harassment of game strategy, the government in the system design must take into account the variables and parameters increased, making it difficult to extend the initial reason. In addition, we believe that the international context of globalization, the government from abroad have to face more economic and political game game, its strategy is more difficult to determine the compensation function. In opening up, especially since the accession to the WTO, the Government's policy-making but also subject to a number of bilateral or multilateral commitments and international rules. Meanwhile, exotic culture and moral values ??of traditional Chinese culture, invasion, may also be more independent of the government-led outside to strengthen the system of spontaneous evolution of logic. V. ConclusionsWe believe that, in addition to government-led institutional change, but in fact there are at least two ways the evolution of the system. First, the public follow a primary in the history and culture in society more emphasis on egalitarian ethics of informal spontaneous evolution of the trajectory constraints; second, to the elite group and its conspiracy of vested bureaucratic system based interest groups, holds a lot of social resources, strong leading the mixed mode [23] to learn more conducive to wealth toward the path of evolution. The former has its own history and culture-based logic, it seems less affected by the government, but have an important impact on the supply system; which directly result from government-led, and more with some of the interaction between the government, but also there are different the Government of rational logic. At the same time, the evolution of these two external factors are present ways to strengthen the role. The difficulties encountered by the government-led, self-mechanism to remove the causes, are in conflict with the way the evolution of these two generated. Therefore, how to find government-led and their relevant points, to effectively improve the government-led market-oriented model, is an important topic for further research.