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本溪翻譯公司關鍵字:However, due to the city's repeated failures of reform, reform is difficult in the city continues to endure, when China led by Deng Xiaoping's reform and decision-makers to change the focus from cities to the countryside. From 1979-1984 the rural price reform can be seen as China's price reform in the making, preparation and exploration stage. 79-84 years involved in the reform of rural commodity prices to agricultural products. In the meantime, the state has management authority delegated prices, the implementation of a variety of price in the form, the main measures taken include: ① engage grain through xed quotas on some agricultural products marketing proposal, completed the acquisition of three types of agricultural products and the task of first and second agricultural products market regulation , allows the coexistence of a variety of prices; ② allow some industrial products based on pricing in the country to engage in a floating price; ③ some of the commodities to release batches. Gradual liberalization of prices in rural areas has greatly mobilized the peasants' enthusiasm for production. The rural economy has demonstrated its vitality and well-off farmers' food and clothing problem has been resolved or even hope. Successful experience of rural reform also strengthened the decision-making in the city comprehensive determination to reform. Summary of the reasons for the failure of SOE reform and learn from successful experiences of rural reform, the Third Plenum of the Party's second-round promotion of economic reform, decided to begin the plan pricing system for dead knife. In the second session was held before the Third Plenum of the government to find a solution to the optimal price reform program, held in 1984, "Moganshan meeting" in order to integrate different views of scholars. "Moganshan meeting" to the government decision-makers made a two-track reform program, and that the purpose of implementing dual-track system will gradually lead to the market price of the track up. As can be seen from the above process, two-track reforms in China's continued practice (state-owned enterprises failed; the success of rural reform) obtained after the inevitable conclusion: They wanted the reform to be successful, must be outside the system gradually foster an efficient market pricing system , the system simply is not possible within the reform to succeed. (2) the interests of all parties after the two-track system is an integrated game equilibrium:When the experience must be determined after the freeing of prices, the price of the specific implementation of the reform program should do? Is a radical step to full liberalization of prices, or the gradual and progressive liberalization? Framework of the traditional planned economy in China is too strong case, two-track system is a combination of the interests of all parties formed by the result of a balanced game, is a relatively easy solution acceptable to all parties. Its formation is involved in the reform parties (government, businesses, residents) results of each game. First, the Government in terms of the planned economy system, China is running for nearly three decades of planned economic thinking has been "deeply rooted." To break with tradition this time, the introduction of market system, there may be deprived of some powers of the officials, this reform will bring great resistance (because of the reform measures are required by the specific implementation of local officials). The implementation of the dual system will not only powers of the officials at all levels overnight deprivation, but also give them a huge profit margins (using the planned price and the market price of the price difference profit). So not only does not oppose the two-track officials, but also to actively promote its implementation. Second, from the businesses and residents, although they may be caused by the dual system of corruption and speculation dissatisfaction, but compared with the planned economic system, the two-track system to provide them with a more flexible and more profitable choice may (such as township and village enterprises and private enterprises to obtain the elements of the supply sources and sales channels), so that they will support rather than oppose the two-track implementation. 2. The implementation of two-track processFrom March 1985, the State Council abolished the first time below the price of unplanned production control (two-track system is considered the official implementation), the abolition of the city to 97 years or so, food rations (grain purchase market is considered to be the last reform in the area of ??materials flow a tough fight) and foreign exchange merger of the two-track system in China, running more than ten years. During this time they can be divided into two phases: