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丹東翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:As an innovative system, two-track system to gradually extend from the beginning of the birth, its evaluation of the economics profession has always been "mixed." Two-track reforms just introduced from the 1980s, some domestic economists and others such as Wu Jinglian of sharp criticism on the. They believe, on the one hand, two-track system similar to the same road the same time that you can drive on the left and the right-hand drive double rules, which will inevitably lead to crashes and confusion. On the other hand, is bound to contribute to the coexistence of two-track pricing scheme outside the Daomaidaomai and rent-seeking behavior, resulting in the spread of corruption. In 1988, Wu Jinglian organized track system to bring about the drawbacks of the discussion, and will discuss compilation of "corruption: money and power exchange." With the success of China's economic transformation (compared to the Soviet Union and Eastern European transition), the economics profession on the two-track the process of economic transformation in China, the role of a new understanding. Qian and others from China and the Soviet Union and Eastern models and systems models derived, two-track system to avoid changes caused by the intense shock to society, reducing the cost of reform. Zhang, in his "Introduction to China's transition economy" and "the" dual track "Economics: China's economic reforms (1978-1992)" and other works in the theory of industrial organization-based model, the dual pricing system to maintain China's total industrial production in the continued growth of the role of explanation is given. Others such as Xu Chenggang, Lin, Yao Yang, who is also on the two-track system in the role of incremental reform to be a higher rating. China's economic success but also to foreign scholars on the Chinese model had a keen interest in many foreign scholars from the perspective of modern economics, the role of the two-track analysis. U.S. economists K ? ? Murphy (Kevin Morphy), A ? Shleifer (Andrei Shleifer), and R ? Weishi Ni (Robert Vishny) on two-track distortions arising from the allocation of resources has made a demonstration. And Lawrence J. Lau, Yingyi Qian, G ? Roland (Gerard Roland) is a general equilibrium analysis, demonstrates the double-track price liberalization Pareto-improvement features. Overall, two-track system of academic support for the main reason can be summarized as follows: (1) two-track system to micro-individual (corporate and individual) in the process of economic transition have the time to adjust their behavior to adapt to the market price configuration resources. If all of a sudden price liberalization, the individual may not meet due to micro-and serious damage to the economic order, institutional change itself is a "destructive development", dramatic institutional change may not only destroy the building. The former Soviet Union's dramatic political and economic change is an obvious example. (2) two-track system for the most vested interest groups (such as government officials) to create a space for rent-seeking (the price difference by profit), so they would not lose by the reforms of their existing interests, resulting in most of those in power support, to reduce political resistance to reform. (3) rail plan to ensure that the existing production capacity of the state sector to play the original plan production and implementation. Track in the market through the introduction of non-state sector and state sector to compete, not only increasing production, and gradually formed a competitive market structure. Thus does not destroy the original state-owned sector, based on the introduction of new competitive factors (as well as non-state sector to play a demonstration effect). In addition to oppose two-tier scholars from the "rent-seeking", "speculative", "corruption" and criticized the two-track system point of view of outside, many people also used the tools of modern economics, the behavior of price distortions in the analysis of welfare economics . In analyzing the pros and cons of the issue of dual-track system, where special mention Xiaokai a reminder. Xiaokai that the reason why many people support the two-track system, largely based on the Chinese economy in the transition process has made great achievements in the fact that (especially the rapid growth of the GDP). In this regard, Xiaokai remind that the system transition is successful or not, the criterion should be placed in the long run, and not just look at short-term situation. On the one hand, the effectiveness of reforms in Russia and Eastern Europe, the identification of a need to reconsider, not because of its short-term setbacks identified the failure of reform (The reality is that most Eastern European countries now have been out of the reform of the oscillation, into the growth period, and the growth rate very fast.); the other hand, China's growth rate may be overestimated by 1 to 2 percent. Therefore, considering the long-term factors, two-track system is still a "best choice" may need to be reexamined.Integrated some of the points above, two-track analysis of the role of economics is from the cost - benefit comparison of the process carried out. For the past two-track academic merits of the issue had been discussed many times, but it is difficult to form a unified conclusion, mainly due to the different angle of thinking of different economists and data access is very limited. Recalling the history of the reform, two-track the implementation of the resulting situation was an inevitable result, its existence has a certain rationality, although its implementation process in no small price to pay, but the cost may be "in transition process necessary "(often accompanied by changes in the system is a painful process). For this system, the economists to argue it in the end not only is superior or inferior, but more should be to find ways to solve the two-track legacy of the "aftermath" of the socio-economic development of adverse effects. Four. SummaryThis paper reviews the two-track reform process, illustrates the two-track reform of necessity and rationality (at least at the time the situation is reasonable). By summing up both the theoretical analysis of the role of the two-track system, the article pointed out that the discussion of the role of the two-track system should be rational from the perspective of the cost benefits, and that economists should focus into how to improve market pricing mechanism, to solve the remaining two-track system many social problems.