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阜新翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:2 Based on the theory of capital formation in China's regional differences in economic developmentIn development economics, capital formation (Capital Formation) is an economically backward country or region to raise enough to achieve economic take-off and modernization of the initial capital. The early pioneers of the theory of capital formation Nexus (Nurkse) defined capital formation as: society does not put all of his current production activities, should be used to meet current consumer needs and desires, but part of giving back to the production of capital goods : tools and equipment, machinery and transport facilities, plant and equipment - all can be used to significantly increase production efficiency of real capital (Real Capital). He believes that the real capital formation process, is part of the resources available to the community drawn out to increase the stock of capital goods, so that the capital goods available for consumption in future expansion possible. [8] (p180-181) Rostow made according to the U.S. economy "took off" theory, in developing countries and the region's economic growth to achieve "off", mainly in breaking the traditional economic underdevelopment, in the second and third ten years of time-based economy through industrialization and production methods to achieve the revolution, achieve sustained economic growth. Rostow that the capital in the economy, "off" play a significant role. If a country or region the lack of capital, low savings rate and economic development would be difficult to "take off", he rate of capital accumulation within the region (ie, the savings rate) of 10% or more as an economic "take off" the first condition. Lewis (Lewis) more directly to a country's share of national income from savings and investments of 4% or 5% less than the society itself into a voluntary savings increased to 12% of national income to 15% of the economic development process, termed as "the central issue of economic growth." [9] (p15) a country or region's economic development pace, and he economic gap between countries or regions, depending on their size and ability to save the high and low savings rate.Regional economic growth in neoclassical theory, the emphasis on capital, labor and technological progress through the three elements of the movement in space, to meet the specific requirements of the final production of the region to achieve regional balance of economic growth. When the emergence of inter-regional income imbalances, its savings will tend to appear similar uneven, low income, low savings regions will not have sufficient capital to productive investment. In order to maintain a balanced, high-income areas of capital from low-income area to flow, thus contributing to narrowing the gap between the region and showed a balanced situation. But the problem is low income, low savings in the area generally can not provide good investment opportunities in the purely rational economic behavior, the economic agents act under the profit motive will lead to social resources concentrated in a certain space, and form a "poor are getting poorer, the rich get richer" and "Matthew" situation, resulting in more serious regional disparities exist and, therefore, spontaneous capital flows is unlikely to promote inter-regional balance of economic development, which the need for government intervention and control measures. In China, local governments, the regional competition and poor economic growth, capital formation, there is a profound impact on performance. [10] 2.1 China's east-west differences in the status of capital formationSavings and capital formation of the main roots, ③ savings can be divided into domestic savings and foreign savings. Domestic savings can be further subdivided into government savings, corporate savings and personal savings, capital formation on the corresponding surface is now government financing, corporate finance and financial markets self-financing; foreign savings is external financing. Therefore, the external performance, capital formation from its own accumulation, financial funding, financing and foreign financial markets. But this is only a source of capital formation, this time can only be called money, rather than real capital, only when the savings into investment, the only real capital formation. Therefore, an efficient mechanism for capital formation refers to the source of funds is not only widespread, but also have the funds quickly into the ability of real capital. According to "China Statistical Yearbook 2003" figures, in 2002, 11 provinces in eastern capital formation amounted to 2.974009 trillion yuan, accounting for capital formation, the amount of 5.060705 trillion yuan of the total 58.77%; 12 provinces in the western region of gross capital formation of 930.321 billion yuan, accounting for the total amount of capital formation, 18.38%, less than the eastern region of the 1 / 3. ④ from the perspective of funding sources, a long time, the western region regardless of their capital accumulation, or the introduction of external funds are grossly inadequate. Savings deposits of urban and rural