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遼陽翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:Therefore, narrowing the gap between regional economic development, must rely on the strength of the central government, through the development of appropriate industrial policy, fiscal policy, and guide the flow of capital from the developed area behind the area to promote the economic development of backward areas, backward areas and developed areas to narrow the economic disparities. A few years ago our government's western development strategy formulation is a very wise move. In addition, behind the developed eastern and western local governments to cooperate around the capital formation rather than a competition, achieve a common market, will maximize the social benefits. Establish mechanisms for western capital financing to build the state-owned financial system, financial system outside the structure of the western region to accelerate capital formation, the key to narrowing the gap between east and west. According to Justin Lin's "theory of induced institutional change", the system changes required of the potential profit opportunities induced, changes in western financial system is the key to increased profit opportunities of institutional change and reduce the transaction costs of change; and train a number of given Lee opportunity to spontaneously respond to the micro-economic subjects. In implementing the western development strategy in the process, play a financial role, not simply the expansion of the number of financial institutions and the supply of government-mandated financial system, as a mandatory system alone does not bring the framework of regional economic development, and should strive to foster the spontaneous response to the opportunities for profit micro-economic agents - enterprises and individuals. ⑤ through the behavior of economic agents induced the changes in the existing financial system, innovation, like the eastern part of the formation of the financial system as non-state arrangements and effective capital formation model of capital formation mechanism, in order to fundamentally eliminate the non-equilibrium caused by regional economic development of the power source, and gradually narrow the gap between regional economic development. Notes:① According to "China Statistical Yearbook (2003)" 55 and 62 pages of data calculated.② North that consider only the technical factors, institutional factors not considered the traditional theory of economic growth there is narrow-minded, and the changes to the property rights system has a decisive role in economic growth. See: North Economic History Structure and Change [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Joint Publishing, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1994:20. After that system as an endogenous variable of economic growth model is introduced, the following wording in the article is also eyeing China's regional economic system in addressing the role of non-balanced development. ③ capital formation is divided into broad and narrow, broad capital formation, including human capital, financial capital and physical capital formation; narrow capital formation mainly refers to financial capital formation. Described in this article is limited to financial capital, capital formation, capital formation that is narrow. Speaking from the physical form, the use of surplus labor is capital formation and foreign trade, the two main sources. Source of capital formation can be found in Zhang Peigang the new development economics (updated version) [M]. Zhengzhou: Henan Publishing House ,2001:180-190. ④ 11 provinces in eastern include: Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Fujian, Liaoning, Shandong, Hebei, Hainan; 12 western provinces and cities including: Xinjiang, Chongqing, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Guangxi , Gansu, Guizhou, Qinghai and Tibet. "China Statistical Yearbook 2003" given the country's capital formation in 2002 amounted to 4.23554 trillion yuan, the author based on the total gross capital formation regions of the country the total amount of 5.060705 trillion yuan of capital formation, access to a larger, the text is based on the author's total number of arrived at. ⑤ Zhang Jie believes that the financial growth of the real power comes from the main body of the financial activities of micro-economic and full of rational economic participation, financial endogenous growth is a necessary condition for the corporate sector and individual departments conduct self-financing. See Zhang Jie of China's economic analysis of the financial growth of [M]. Beijing: China Economic Press, 1995:168