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沈陽翻譯公司關鍵字:As can be seen from above, regardless of which period, even claimed that "the Soviet paradigm 'has been criticized and abandoned, all our mainstream economics has not weakened the Marxist labor theory of value (system) of superstition and myth, we never get rid of the traditional limitations of the theory, nor to get rid of Mr. Fan Gang said, "Soviet paradigm 'constraints. TwoDifficult to imagine the natural sciences have a theory or theoretical system, like Marx's theory can be so much ability, so resourceful, whether it is Newton's "law of gravity" or Einstein's "Relativity", regardless of is the "geocentric" or "heliocentric." In China (mainland) theorists, Marxist theory, always be seen as absolute truth, the standard of truth, is a guide all our actions, it is all-inclusive, pervasive, omnipotent, one size fits all . Not only economics, social sciences are all areas of Marx's world. Inside the university textbooks, there is the Marxist philosophy, Marxist political economy, Marxism, political science, history of Marxism, Marxist law, Marxist literature, Marxist journalism and so forth. Marx does not seem to be no truth, Marx is synonymous with truth. Marx seems to be God and not man. Nearly half a century, he was in our mainland China than the "Holy Hole" also "holy hole." The last century, the "May Fourth" movement before Confucius is our saint, all our words and deeds are "holy hole" speech as a criterion. "May Fourth" movement that aims to end feudalism, superstition, invited "Mr." and "Mr." (democracy and science), the result is "holy hole" sent away, "Mr." and " Mr. Science, "Come no door," Mr. Ma "- Marxism - has pre-empted to occupy the site. Later, we all to Marx as the standard. An outside foreign feudal, foreign superstition, replacing the country's feudal soil, soil superstition. Therefore, while the feudal Chinese society is still, superstition still. Thus, Marx's labor theory of value, like his other theories, increasingly dogmatic, are deified. So that China's economic practice, once the labor theory of value in mind, the implementation of the wrong product in the form of planned economy. In fact, both from the practice, or from the theory, the Marxist labor theory of value is an almost completely wrong theory. Decades of economic practice has proved that the product form of the planned economic system is a system failure error. And this system is the Marxist labor theory of value theory, the result of the request. According to Marx's labor theory of value, the magnitude of value of goods of capitalism, entirely by the amount of labor to produce goods (socially necessary labor time) to decide; the value of commodities by the labor of its own creation; surplus value is the only source of profit, and the remaining workers created by labor alone. Therefore, to eliminate social and economic injustice, eliminate labor exploitation, it is necessary to destroy goods, elimination of commodity production. Therefore, the product must be implemented in the form of socialist economic system, that is, the planning system.