新華翻譯社總機(jī):4008281111   客服部地址:南大街6號國務(wù)院機(jī)關(guān)第二招待賓館(國二招)3號樓B5319室

赤峰翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:A. The market economy is a certain economy (major premise);B. Socialist economy is market economy (minor premise);C. Therefore, the socialist economy is a certain economy (conclusion), etc. Indeed, during this same type of reasoning in a syllogism, the premise and the minor's correct or not, are yet to dialectical materialist theory of knowledge by the method to be "proof". And this particular syllogism itself, these problems are impossible to solve. This brings us to some of the "economic theory" research, into a metaphysical quagmire. Again, he spoke of the "state-owned enterprise reform" and "strategic adjustment of state-owned economy" when it is equivalent to blindly put the "owned", "privatization" and "privatization." Even if the reform process, "the proportion of state-owned capital," "has increased", it considered to be "market-oriented reforms in the direction contrary to the." Again, a reference to "the stock as our main form of public ownership," put it out to all the stock. Proposition: stock, whether it is socialism, or capitalism itself are "forms of public ownership." Or advocated "shareholding is neither Socialist nor capitalist," but rather "neutral" and so on. All of these, from a methodological point of view, we are all with the basic methods of Marxist economics, which is dialectical materialism and historical materialism approach contrary. Therefore, the theory of economics is not conducive to China's prosperity and development. (C) must adhere to the Marxist ideology in the guiding position within the field of economics, "the guiding ideology must not engage in diversity." In the writings of Marx and Engels, "ideology" in the German original as die Ideeologie, the English equivalent of Ideology, and Russian in Идиология, can also be translated as "ideology" that is, Comrade Mao Zedong " On New Democracy "in the word" ideology thing. " It is from the German Idee (The Idea equivalent in English and Russian in Идея) that "thinking", "concept", "concept" and so transformed from the. From the Marxist point of view of historical materialism, which is part of the superstructure of society, is the "ideology of the superstructure." Just as Marx said: "The ideology itself is only one aspect of human history." In a class society, any society the dominant ideology is the dominant class ideology. China is a people's democratic dictatorship of the proletariat dictatorship of socialist state, "four cardinal principles of the founding of our country." Marxism and its economics, its working class and working people as our ideology, the socialist society should become the dominant ideology, which is not the slightest doubt and shake the.However, "ideology" is the word, the concept of division from the point of view of formal logic, there are "broad" and "narrow" parts. If from the perspective of dialectical materialism, there are "general", "special" and "individual" parts. For our case the theory of economics, broadly speaking, whether Marxist or non-Marxist, and they all belong to the ideology of China's socialist society, the scope stage. However, only the dominant one, that is, "Marxist economics." Narrowly speaking, can be specific to a particular ideology and the ideology of class-specific, which means that the class "position, viewpoint and method," which is what we today call economics "the guiding ideology," or, "Economics of the ideological orientation." And today, our theory in order to adhere to the field of economics guiding position of Marxism, it must be done: on the one hand, the field of economics in our country, adhere to the leading Marxist economics, the mainstream (or body) and control status; the other hand, even if the doors for foreign economics and the economics of the specific application, we must always adhere to the Marxist stand, viewpoint and method. I think, only do these two points, is considered within the field of economics in China maintained a "guiding position of Marxism" and "can not engage in the guiding ideology of pluralism."