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海南翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:As can be seen from Table 4, each period lasting urban and rural income elasticity of consumption income elasticity is greater than temporary, and the gap is large, indicating that the consumption of urban and rural residents is mainly determined by the permanent income. From town to see residents from 1985 to 1995 every 1% change in permanent income, changes in consumption by 0.78%, while the changes in consumption during the period 1996-2003 is increased to 0.81%, indicating the consumption of urban residents increased by the impact of permanent income, The relative impact of current consumption in terms of revenue capacity to improve, this assumption with the previous analysis on the conclusions of absolute income (current income on consumption of urban influence degree on the decline) is the corresponding. From the rural areas between 1996 and 2003 to see the lasting impact of income on consumption than the degree of decline during the period 1985-1996, the range of 0.278 percentage points; temporary income on consumption has increased, to 0.00544 percentage points; and urban compared, showing different trends. This shows, farming rural residents obtained from permanent income relative decline in total income (expressed as lower food prices), so the permanent income of rural residents to farmers the contribution of current consumption dropped significantly; and engaged in non-farm rural residents to obtain temporary labor income in total income relative increase, its farmers the contribution of current consumption slightly increased accordingly. On the other hand, combined with assumptions about absolute income results (after 1996, consumption in rural areas affected by the current income is far greater than the decrease in urban areas), can be found: in 1996, the rural residents of current income and permanent income the contribution of consumption are declining; and towns in 1996, the current consumption of consumer contribution revenue decline, but the contribution of permanent income on consumption increase, therefore, it can be concluded: urban residents due to restructuring and other uncertainties factors in the delay consumption, and performance of rural residents is the lack of spending power. Fifth, based on empirical analysis of life-cycle assumptionsThe theory by Modigliani, Brumberg, and Andover, and others made, sometimes known as persistent property is assumed. The theory assumes that the same with the permanent income consumption are taken into account by the intertemporal budget constraint effect is different: the life cycle assumes that consumers are rational, and he was just based on the principle of utility maximization to use lifetime income, arranging their lives consumption, so the income is equal to a lifetime in a lifetime of consumption, which stretched across the span of time when budget constraints, it is life intertemporal budget constraint. Life stages of the consumer spending flows to equal the present value of expected life of the period the present value of income flows, such behavior can be called "forward-looking behavior." Therefore, consumers not only with current consumption of current income, but also to consumers on a stock of assets (including savings, securities, fixed assets investment, consumer durables, etc.). Accordingly, with the assumption that a linear model to describe the consumption function: