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濟(jì)南翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:Why does this phenomenon? In fact, you can borrow game theory "Clever Pig Game" model to explain: Suppose there are pig sty, a large pig, a pig. There is a pig sty of a manger, the other end there is a button that controls the supply of food for pigs. Click the button to have 10 units of hogwash into the slot, but who will come to press the button to pay the cost of 2 units. Such as the first big pig, big pig can consume nine units, only to eat a pig units; if at the same time that a large pig to eat 8 units, 2 units to eat pig; if the first pig, big pig eat 7 units, 3 units pig to eat. Figure 1 shows the strategic combination of pay corresponding to different levels, the result is balanced by pig waiting for the big pig. The reason is simple, pay the same cost for large pigs (sugar producers in the monopoly side) is worth it, and for pig (ie, non-sugar monopoly consumer side) is not worth it, could not afford. Can be seen, tends to become more competitive and monopoly of the party not a party to fair competition. In China, the agricultural population in total population of 1,276 million accounted for 62.34%, reaching 796 million people (National Bureau of Statistics, 2002), farmers in a large number of extremely fragmented party; the contrary, farmers purchase agricultural products from the company is less, comparative advantage in the party. Because of this asymmetry in non-monopoly ---- monopoly caused by weak nature can also be used as the basis of agricultural terms of trade of primary products to be positive. Agricultural terms of trade refers to a certain price index of agricultural products during the same period the ratio of non-agricultural price index to reflect that the agricultural terms of trade (N) = ÷ agricultural price index price index for non-agricultural products. The economic meaning is: how many units to sell agricultural products to exchange for a unit of non-agricultural products. Assume that the base period N = 1, when N> 1 indicates that the agricultural terms of trade improved; when N <1 indicates that the agricultural terms of trade deterioration. "After World War II, changes in commodity prices in international trade is a significant feature are: commodity prices tended to decline, prices of manufactured goods tend to rise" [4] (from "International Trade Practice", p. 29, Dong Jin Editor, Higher Education Press published in 2001), that is worsening terms of trade of primary products. The reason is that primary producers become fully competitive, and manufactured goods tends to monopoly. (3) Porter's five competitive forces from the theoretical point of viewThe theory of Porter's five competitive forces (Porter's five competitive forces that existing competitors, potential competitors, alternative operators, buyers, suppliers) applied to the agricultural point of view, first of all, agriculture existing competitors nor more than differences in the product, leading to low-level cut-throat competition; followed by a number of alternative operators, which led to different prices of agricultural products, the mutual inhibition between the grave; again upstream suppliers (agricultural sector) there is a monopoly, which led to the price of agricultural means of production, high cost of production; the last to join the WTO, China's agricultural potential competitors increases, but their advantage is far greater than China's agriculture. Resulting in China's agriculture as an industry at a disadvantage in the competition, obviously weak. From a marketing point of view, emphasized 4P marketing mix, namely product, price, promotion, channels of the four elements combined. First, from the products, the products are divided into the core product, the form of products and extension products, agricultural products, now only do the vast majority of the core product level, need to raise the value of agricultural extension; Second, from the price perspective, because no differences in agricultural products and production by many farmers in the agricultural development process in a passive price