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萊蕪翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:The study showed that 12 developed countries in the 19th century, agricultural productivity and industrial growth that exists between the high positive correlation (correlation coefficient R2 = 0.81); in China, fluctuations in agricultural output for every 1% rise in agricultural products is as raw materials, light industry, (other) light industry, output value of industrial output and the corresponding fluctuations in the community 2.44%, 2.85%, 3.16% and 2.28%. Another agriculture is the largest on earth, the most complete ecological and economic system that would provide agricultural products, and to provide ecological products (clean air, beautiful environment, etc.) for human consumption; agriculture and irrigation facilities have water storage, flood control and power generation other integrated functions; paddy fields have on groundwater resources Han Xu function; suburban agriculture tourism function; vegetation with ecological functions, soil and water conservation and regulation functions, and so on. Shows a high positive externalities of agriculture, but agriculture can not get appropriate compensation, which shows that we should make the necessary protection for agriculture. 4, the transformation of traditional agriculture and investment in human capital theoryWell-known American economist, Schultz said: While conventional agriculture is relatively backward, there is a seasonal agricultural labor and other short-term, local residual, but in the traditional agricultural technology, agricultural labor force is no use remaining. Unless changes in the structure of agricultural technology, or the reduction of agricultural labor force can only lead to decline in agricultural productivity, destruction of agricultural productivity, exacerbated by the deterioration of agricultural production, and thus in turn prevents the normal transfer process. Technological stagnation is the most basic features of traditional agriculture, it was also the main agricultural backwardness and poverty. In order to develop traditional agriculture, the need to reform the existing land system, and the price, capital credit, research and education, the adoption of national policies. Schultz suggested that the policy should encourage investment in human capital in agriculture, emphasis on improved agricultural production techniques.Third, a comprehensive theoretical content of agricultural protection1, the state theory of competitive advantage Harvard Business School Professor Porter (Porter), published in 1990, "Competitive Advantage of Nations" in his book: a country in a particular industry to establish and maintain a competitive advantage depends on four basic variables, namely: factor endowments, demand conditions, related industries and supporting industries and industry strategy, structure and competition. Thus, China's agriculture as an industry want to have a competitive advantage in the international arena, the government must provide comprehensive support measures. 2, increased levels of competition and competitiveness of agricultural products meansFrom a competitive level, the product of competition with five levels, from low to high were in short supply (basically non-existent competition) - price competition - quality competition - brand competition - businesses and consumers to form strategic alliances. Stages of emerging from a shortage of agricultural products in China, now in the price competition level, the overall low level of competition. China should implement appropriate protection for agriculture, deep processing of agricultural products, improve the elasticity of demand for agricultural products, flexibility and value-added income, to extend the storage time, enhance the level of competition in agriculture, as soon as the transition to quality competition, brand competition level, fundamental to avoid agricultural Once the price has plummeted over-supply of the phenomenon; changes from the dominant elements of the order, as the economic development, create wealth, the dominant factor changes will occur: the beginning of labor, followed by capital and technology in general, and finally the innovative technology. China's current agricultural labor to create wealth is still in the stage, dependent on the weather, there are few large capital investment. Upgrade by leading elements theory, we should gradually achieve capital phase, which requires substantial investment, but the farmer's own lack of capital, which requires strong state investment. In view of this, China should implement agricultural conservation, farm competition levels, and increase farmers' capital accumulation. Thus the country should increase rural investment in agricultural infrastructure, agricultural machinery for farmers to invest in a modest subsidies. 3, the producer should be equal theoretical statusHengsameien in the "Ancient Law" states: "So far from progressive social movements are the identity of the movement towards a contract." In China, farmers can only stick to the reform and opening up before the farmers on the land, and can not enjoy the various benefits enjoyed by the people, which is a typical characteristic of the identity of the community. Since reform and opening, the farmers are not satisfied with the responsibility to stick to the field, and began to pursue the development of the farmers in this process did experience "from status to contract" changes, however, because farmers do not have urban household registration, it is difficult to really enjoy a general sense "national treatment." In China, agriculture as an industry in order to agriculture and other industries and foreign competition, fairness among the main producers is essential.