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甘孜翻譯公司關鍵字:Increasingly common in developed countries to improve cross-border mergers and acquisitions of foreign investment performance, resulting in this trend is due to economic integration and multinational corporations in the context of investment liberalization, globalization and new technologies change the face of the increasingly brought intense competitive pressures, the government to attract foreign investments in developing countries to gradually lift its economic control of industry, and thus in reducing barriers to market access and investment environment in order to survive and develop to better take advantage of the different factors of production to world markets and global markets huge capacity, the race to expand the size of the company and to diversify investments. Meanwhile, the pursuit of financial, management and business synergies and economies of scale drive the company to pursue a larger scale. Cross-border mergers and acquisitions is undoubtedly a shortcut to achieve these goals, and greatly reduce the research, development and management costs. With the global economic integration and investment liberalization, rapid development of cross-border mergers and acquisitions in the new century will appear in the better development trend. 3, showing a direct investment by multinational "big triangle" pattern characterized by three pillars of the investment.Since the late 1970s, multinational companies in Japan and the European Community member states to break the post-war development of large U.S. multinational companies dominate the world of pattern formation in Japan, the United States and the EC Member States "big triangle" three pillars of the country situation. The new century, multinational direct investment is still in mutual investment between developed countries mainly, and formed a very clear to the German circle as the center of Europe, the United States as the center of North America to Japan as the center circle and circle in Asia, three within and between the great circle of direct investment in the global foreign direct investment plays a very important position. First, the "big triangle" within the larger proportion of international direct investment. Circle in Europe, 1992 between the EU member states account for its foreign investment and direct investment in total investment of 72%. EU member states after 1995 because the increase in new members and former members experienced a period of adjustment period, during which EU member states between the investment ratio has declined, but by 1999, members of the mutual investment of between 31.8 billion euros in 2000 and increased to 436 billion euros, accounting for EU foreign direct investment more than 60% of total; circles in North America, mainly the United States and Canada, direct investment between the two countries are extremely active in the absorption of Canada 1993 total foreign direct investment in 2 / 3 from the United States in 1996, total U.S. foreign direct investment is to invest 9.4% in Canada; in Asian circles, cross-investment between different countries in the region to become an important component of foreign investment part of the 1990 to 1992, the ASEAN countries to absorb foreign FDI in 25% of the total newly industrialized countries from the local area or region, to 1993-1994, this ratio increased to 40%. In Asian countries, the total flow of FDI, most concentrated in Japan, China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan), Korea, Singapore and several countries.