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雅安翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:Summary: In this paper, basic China from 1952 to 2002 conducted in-depth analysis of economic data, and found the characteristics of China's economic growth data, and then as a starting point, the establishment of China's economic growth model of the basic assumptions, these assumptions are derived by China economic growth is a mathematical model of AK-type economy. Finally, econometric models and hypothesis testing using economic data, the basic conclusion: China's economic growth is the main driver of capital investment, the production function is AK type. Keywords: capital investment-driven economic growth AK modelI. IntroductionModern economic growth theory can be divided into four categories: neo-classical growth theory, the "new" growth theory, structuralist theory of development theory and institutional change. Neoclassical growth theory is the American economist Solow (R. Solow, 1956) was in the careful study of economic growth theory Harrow, the relaxation of capital and labor can not be replaced after the creation of the assumptions. Neoclassical growth theory assumes perfectly competitive equilibrium, constant returns to scale production function, diminishing marginal returns of capital, technology is exogenous. Therefore, the accumulation of capital, labor and technological progress to increase the role of long-term economic growth over the long term economic growth, technological progress is the only driving force. However, the neo-classical economic growth theory has no exogenous technological progress that causes a satisfactory explanation. United States economist Romer (P. Romer, 1986) and Lucas (R. Lucas, 1988) as the representative of a group of growth theorists, in order to overcome the growth theory, the dominant neo-classical economic growth model limitations , research within the Health technological progress as the core of the "new" growth theory, through the creation of human capital as the core of technological progress equation successfully explains the mechanism of endogenous growth. Found that the scale of human capital, productivity is a key factor in economic growth (R. Barro and Xavier Sala-I-Martin, 1995). Structuralist theory for the development of neo-classical growth theory and the "new" growth theory ignores the structural factors, the structure of demand variables and the introduction of multi-sectoral model of labor force structure variables and found that the structure of demand, industrial structure and economic growth in mutual restraint, mutual association with interaction of feedback systems (Zhou Zhenhua, 1996). School system to economic growth has put forward a new view that capital accumulation, technological progress and other factors that cause so much economic growth, it is more economic growth in itself; the root causes of economic growth, changes in the system, a provide adequate and effective system of property rights stimulate individuals to promote economic growth is the decisive factor. Not difficult to see whether the theory of economic growth assumptions, all are attempting to source of economic growth and mechanisms to explain. Since 1978 the Chinese economy has experienced rapid growth over 20 years, although China's economic operation or Which will lead to the existence of such problems, but economic growth remains high. Therefore, China's rapid economic growth of the power source and to explain the mechanism has become a hot issue. As the study of ideas and theoretical models to explain the different conclusion quite different. Neo-classical economic growth theory holds scholars, mainly in the Solow - Swan model analysis of China's economic growth, the establishment of China's economic growth model, and then analyze the convergence of China's economic growth characteristics. In the neo-classical framework, it is to analyze the various factors of production in economic growth in the contribution rate and total factor contribution rate (such as Chen Kunrong, 1999; Cheng Huifang, 2002; Zhang, 2002, etc.). On the Convergence of the one hand, neo-classical theory is to verify the applicability in China, the other is to explain China's inter-regional differences in economic growth, research has been basically the same conclusion: China's regional economy there is no absolute convergence, there is only conditional convergence (such as Cai Fang, Du Yang, 2000; Liu Qiang, 2001; Shen Sea, 1999; Chenkun Rong, Ma, 2002; Liu Mu Ping, Shu Yuan, 2000; Song Xueming, 1996; Wei Houkai, 1992, etc.). However, we note first of these studies is not to analyze the characteristics of China's economic growth in the establishment of mathematical economic models, econometric models for re-establishment of hypothesis testing, but first, a model framework, and then the data for regression analysis. In this way, because the model is different from the results obtained on very different.