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阿克蘇翻譯公司關鍵字:Based on the fact that the face of China's economic growth further analysis, we can make the following assumptions Assuming H1: China 1952 to 2002 the production function for non-technical progress;Assuming H2: China 1952 to 2002 the same marginal product of capital; hypothesis H4: Chinese production function is constant returns to scale; Assuming H5: infinite supply of labor.In the above five assumptions, H5 together with the H3 is clearly in line with the basic "rice paddy conditions." By the H1, that is, non-technical progress in the production function we can get (C) China's economic growth econometric model and its testDerivation of the above proof, we have concluded that China's economic growth from 1952 to 2002 model by equation (13) or (14) expression. We are based on economic data to equation (14) as a mathematical economic models econometric models are as follows: Yi = AKi + ui (15)If we take (13) China's economic growth as the mathematical economic models, you can create the following econometric model: yi = Aki + ui (16)In equation (15) and (16) in the subscript i represent the year, ui is a random error term, has the following properties: E (ui) = 0. 1952 to 2002, with China's economic data, regression analysis, and from 1952 to 1977, and 1978 to 2002 corresponding to the two stages of reform and opening, respectively, before and after the study. Thus opening up the reform can be divided into two stages of analysis, that is, from 1978 to 1992 and from 1993 to 2002. For each time period, we were using the equation (15) and (16) represents the total model and the workers are model analysis, the results shown in Table 2. From Table 2 we can clearly see, whether it is expressed by the M11 and M12 the number of overall production, or from the M21, M22 and M31, M32 expressed by the production function before and after the reform and opening up are very close. Therefore, we can conclude that China's production function is AK type, the estimated production function equation is: Comparing (17) and (18) will find these two results are very consistent with a coefficient A = 0.286217, a coefficient A = 0.287893, in theory, these two equations to express the same economic thought, should be the same of. In addition, in theory, the value of marginal product of capital is (17) and (18) coefficient equal, since the calculation of the error, just a little gap (the value is 0.001676). Calculations show that the marginal product of capital, ability to explain the almost-type (17) and (18) in the coefficient of 98%. This result is strikingly consistent. This gives us a firm belief: this paper is to establish the economic growth model can stand the scrutiny, from 1952 to 2002, China's economy is capital-driven. Although the reform and opening up China's productivity has increased, but the basic production function has not fundamentally changed. (D) Analysis of China's economic growth and economic growth inferredCan a country's economy continues to grow, with the savings rate, natural growth and capital depreciation rate is concerned. If the set gk is the growth rate of capital per worker, s is the savings rate, n is the natural growth rate of labor force, d is the depreciation rate, there are: