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哈密翻譯公司關鍵字:Australian economic and trade exchanges with China in recent years, more heat is another country. In early June, the APEC trade ministers meeting, Bo Xilai, and met with the Australian Trade Minister Mark Vaile said Australia made for the establishment of bilateral free trade area proposal, the Chinese side attaches great importance to and is being actively promoted in Australia but according to two countries signed the Trade and Economic Cooperation Framework, should be formally recognized in Australia China's full market economy status, the two sides can jointly make a formal FTA negotiations began decision. Vaile said that Australia will follow the two sides signed a framework to solve China's market economy status. It is reported that Australia may be early recognized. In fact, Australia's neighbors, the same as in developed countries New Zealand has been April 14, 2004 announced the first recognition, so that "China's market economy status" in the developed countries to achieve a breakthrough. May 14, Singapore has officially announced that the first ASEAN recognizes China's market economy status of the country. Singapore's lead, May 29, Malaysia also recognized China's market economy status. Taking all factors, the ASEAN countries may be the first to announce in the near future, all acknowledge, and thus encourage other countries to form a "herding", so as to China to the United States, European Union, Japan and other key positions breakthrough sweep clear obstacles. But no matter how far the road, rising, "Made in China" must find ways as soon as possible "market economy status," House of Flying Daggers can really break this dilemma, to achieve a comprehensive Win. Proposed analysis: companies have to actively "anti-ambush"Other countries to "dumping" on the grounds of China, "10 surface ambush," then, China will carry out "anti-ambush." But what is strange is that the Chinese government, the media, scholars of the "anti-ambush" unprecedented enthusiasm, the Chinese business community of the "anti-ambush" but did not show their enthusiasm. A recent China's color TV exports to the U.S. anti-dumping case, for example, a family spokesman said the company's then very representative, he said: "We believe that the hearing would be more involved in our case is the Ministry of Commerce and industry associations, and business seems to have little. "This is in sharp contrast, the United States a total of 21 units or individuals enrolled in the public hearings, including lawyers, associations and enterprises. U.S. participants demonstrated a great deal of attention, including a U.S. steel companies to submit supporting documents for up to 154. China's participation in government is only responding to a major, decorated one or two specialists and journalists, industry associations figure also rare, companies are not active. It is said that the direct cause of the failure of anti-ambush was actually one of China's color TV industry in the prosecution of individual manufacturers and the United States carried out a behind the scenes, resulting in China's color TV exports to the United States had to be reduced to zero-rate market rate hopes dashed. Well-