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塔城翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:Fifth, establish and perfect the tripartite consultation mechanism, give full play to the fundamental rights of trade unions to protect jobs by role Overall, our current labor relations legal construction is not perfect, can not fully meet the market demands of economic development and globalization, especially as China joined the WTO, labor relations and coordination of the emergence of new situations and new questions: First, some employers, particularly in private do not want to sign labor contracts with employees overall, some non-standard units of labor contract administration, can not conscientiously perform the labor contract, laid-off workers of state-owned enterprises has not completely straighten out the labor relations; Second, enterprises labor standards is not perfect, in violation of basic labor standards act also means the lack of punishment; third collective bargaining and sign collective contracts of work is still not standardized, collective bargaining mechanisms are not yet fully established in the various enterprises and real role to play; Fourth, the labor dispute continued increase in the labor dispute handling system can not fully meet the objective needs, the lack of effective mechanisms to prevent labor disputes, labor need to improve the efficiency of arbitration; Fifth, the adjustment of labor relations in general on the legislative level is low, the force of law is not enough. To address the above problems, after joining the WTO, labor relations in China for some time the main objective of building the legal system are: the initial establishment of a socialist market economy "self-coordination of labor relations the two sides, the government adjusted according to the law," a new mechanism for adjustment of labor relations to promote harmonious and stable labor relations. Establish a new mechanism of values, reinforce the adjustment of labor relations the basis of relevant laws and regulations. Coordination of labor relations as the main independent parties to the labor contract system and the collective consultation and collective contract system as the basic form, the labor security administrative department of government, trade unions, business organizations, tripartite consultation-oriented, labor relations and macro-warning system improve the labor dispute handling system for the protection, further adjustment mechanism to achieve the standardization of labor relations, the legal system.Protection of workers mainly by the workers themselves. On the one hand, trade unions actively participate in the formulation of relevant laws and regulations, labor relations from the source to grasp the coordination and implementation through the implementation of labor contracts, the establishment of equal consultation and collective contract system and the employee congress system, etc., regulating labor relations conduct of the parties make the labor market behavior of the dispersion of the progressive development of individual organizational behavior, safeguard their employment, labor and economic aspects of the legitimate rights and interests. On the other hand, the establishment of the government, enterprises, trade unions participated in the three tripartite coordination mechanism for the settlement of labor relations issues and organizational guarantee, at the same time, to strengthen the government's labor laws and regulations to protect and strengthen the enforcement of rights of trade union organizations efforts to work closely together to integrate a variety of social forces, according to management and coordination of labor relations, labor relations, handle conflicts, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to promote the healthy development of enterprises.