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香港翻譯公司關鍵字:regular revenue growth rate," but in fact, in addition to the "First Five", "25", "Fourth Five "" Plan "period, the State investment in agriculture are lower, or even far below the" Agricultural Law "requirements. Clearly, China's agriculture has shown significant financial investment of non-persistent features. Again, in 1979, the Fourth Plenary Session of the Party by the "speed up the resolution a number of issues of agricultural development," explicitly states that investment in agriculture to account for national plans to invest 18% (or more), but in fact never did not reach this ratio. Not only that, after the 1990s, but also a serious financial outflow of funds for rural phenomenon. For example, from 1990 to 1998, rural capital outflows through financial channels, up 684.168 billion yuan. This does not include extra-budgetary funds and arbitrary fees in rural areas.3, the dedicated type of monetary policy. Mainly as a significant non-agricultural credit funds tendency. For a long time, urban and rural credit cooperatives and rural credit funds of funds lent structure shows a tendency of non-agricultural. For example, in the 1990s, agriculture and rural sector GDP accounted for half of national GDP, but the national banking system to its financing accounted for only about one-seventh of the total financing; rural credit cooperatives, 80% of the loans from the farmers' savings However, their total agricultural loans credit loans has dropped from 46.1% in 1990 down to 21% in 1995, followed by no significant signs of improvement. Statistics show that from 1990 to 1998 channels from rural financial capital outflow reached 341.57 billion yuan.4, "ignore-type" farmers policy. For a long time, China's policy in dealing with farmers on the objective, there are different degrees of attention and publicity of economic neglect of the antinomy phenomenon. This phenomenon is manifested as "that important, but doing it a secondary, not the economy" and "Third, we must act." Economic "not" include the implementation of policy neglect and ignore the two areas. (1) policy neglect. First, the implementation of re-rural city of light has long been the "dual model" of social welfare and security systems. In this regard the welfare of the degree of coverage and national inputs, significant differences between urban and rural areas. For example, in 1990 this country for investment in urban and rural per capita ratio of 29:1; later improved, but the urban-rural gap is still very poor. Second, there are other finance agricultural and industrial credit policy. Over the years, farmers extremely difficult to obtain the