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雅安翻譯公司關鍵字:the" third percentage of industrial employment "to" information industry employment percentage of the population, "because food service industry is typical of the third level of information but not necessarily linked; ③" the number of annual per capita use of letters "is deleted, because computers The development of network technology, the traditional sense of the letter of decline, but the level of information but will not be reduced; ④ the original "number of sales outlets per million books" to "every kind of book publishing in the number of people." because the number of sales outlets not statistics books; ⑤ deleting "the population density per square kilometer," because in modern society, most developing countries the population density was relatively large (such as India, China), but that does not develop in the country's information technology index is relatively high, on the contrary most of the relatively low; ⑥ in the information coefficient will be "personal consumption (except Yi Shizhu outside) the ratio of miscellaneous fees" to "personal consumption spending in the proportion of information", because many entertainment Consumer information can not be counted as consumption; ⑦ new addition of "the amount of published papers per million and the number of patent applications per million people," two indicators, because "the number of published papers," is to illustrate the ability of social science research and the best example is a kinds of information production capacity. "Patent application number" is to specify a country or region's research and development capabilities of the best evidence, from the number of patents can reflect on the state level information. Three pairs of our economic accounting recommendations for informationThrough our analysis of existing conditions, combined with matters related to national accounts, the authors believe that in our economic accounting of information in the process, the information input-output method should be used. Information from the information input-output approach is the perspective of the economy into the economic sectors and non-Ministry of Information Industry Ministry of Information Industry, and then based on "full bore" input-output table and related statistics, the preparation of the information input-output table, and then computing a series of economic and technical indicators, in-depth analysis of the information economy. The theory and application of the method can not only identify a country or region level of economic development information, but also on the economic benefits of Ministry of Information Industry, Ministry of Information Industry of the development of other sectors of the