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四川省翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:From price fluctuations in the shipping market will bring business owners and the owner of uncertainty analyzes the freight futures market, the generation mechanism and economic functions. Demonstrated by a typical case of the owner and the owner can use BIFFEX futures, or locking freight revenue, or locking freight expenses, to avoid the tariffs so as to achieve the purpose of risk.Keywords shipping freight index futures to hedge market risk, the economic functioShipping market, not only by the impact of world economy and trade, but also by political, natural and other factors, the combined effect of these factors through the shipping market price fluctuations reflected. Fluctuations in freight rates, charter or owner will bring in business uncertainty, the charterer or owner can make at a disadvantage, and even have huge economic losses. Therefore, freight management and control of risk management in shipping has become an important issue.Economic and trade globalization, integration and liberalization of the world's economic development, with the gradual development of Shanghai Shipping Exchange and other exchanges has established shipping bound to form a national network of trading systems, with the gradual membership improved gradually expand the scale of membership and professional brokerage firms, clearing the gradual formation of the company, will no doubt carry our freight futures business to create extremely favorable conditions.1 Mechanism of freight futures wereWater demand is derived demand of international trade, it originated from domestic and international trade, water demand, which undoubtedly makes the production of water-dependent and passive. World economic fluctuations, changes in international trade, and even political factors, natural factors and so may be cause of increased risk. On risk analysis and seek to avoid or reduce risk is to the owner and the owner of the most concern.Freight futures to avoid risks of using the basic principles. The basic function of the futures market is for those who want to provide the transfer of risk hedging, both through the sale and purchase transactions in futures contracts to offset changes in the spot market price risks. Fluctuations in water tariffs to bring the parties to the risk of water can be divided into two kinds: one is the rule risk that the route of the freight with the overall