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重慶翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:Way to. The previous stage, "to avoid conflicts within the system, engage in a demonstration outside the system" reform ideas, give full play to its collapse has been The role of the traditional system, but eventually the contradictions within the system can not be avoided. The recent situation, the government政府許可的定點正規(guī)翻譯公司 does not reform, government政府許可的定點正規(guī)翻譯公司 and enterprises Separation is an empty phrase, the state-owned enterprise reform is also impossible to find a way out.Several state-owned enterprise reform issues related to Focuses on how companies can pay workers a historical debt. Now we have hope that children's social insurance system reform, But that did not expect a: Social Security reform to succeed, not only depends on how many people participate in social insurance, but also Depends on how much China's accumulation of social insurance. This section also illustrates the social insurance "Shenzhen model," Why can The success of several specific reasons, that in the age structure of China's population aging, inefficient, increasing unemploymentCase, the burden for the enterprises of hopes were pinned on social security reform, the fact would be "distant water Puzzled thirst. "As the author of the first mentioned, in the state-owned enterprise reform, in addition to economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 issues, there are few social problems have been Is shunned state, one of which is the business專業(yè)英語翻譯公司科技文件翻譯哪里最好 history of debt problems of workers.Why Chinese workers have been on the "iron rice bowl" more nostalgia? The reason is simple, the planned economy system was established, China faces a huge problem of unemployment does not work, was to take low-wage, more employment methods, digestedA large number of surplus labor. Therefore, only a small number of talented people, China's planned economy was limiting their careers Freedom. For most people, can find a job has already been very easy, because it means there were from the NationalAccess to health care, early childhood education, housing, recreational facilities, retirement benefits and all benefits, and state-owned enterprise workers in the past and present Apparently did not include wages in the health care, housing and pension funds, etc., just basic living expenses. In other words, countries Once owned enterprises reform, faced with the payment of staff pensions. Health care, housing subsidies and other historical debt. And is now In the state-owned enterprises to intensify reform, you have to weed out the superfluous and unqualified redundant, but it will be hundreds of thousands, millions, even tens of millions of surplus people Members look to the society, society can not afford? Retrenched staff can not afford? These issues are political and can not leave Feasibility to discuss issues. Therefore, the reform of Chinese state-owned enterprises, more later, the greater the difficulty of reform. Even the most determined Reformers, we must continue to seek to strengthen reform and maintain the balance between social stability. Because if they lose the security