新華翻譯社總機:4008281111   客服部地址:南大街6號國務院機關第二招待賓館(國二招)3號樓B5319室

潛江翻譯公司關鍵字:Since reform and opening, China's processing trade has developed rapidly, the mid-1980s, exports of processing trade has only 56 billion U.S. dollars in China's total exports accounted for only 18%, while the proportion of general trade is as high as 82%, but by 1995 its amount to $ 74 billion, 10 years increased 12 times, the proportion has increased to 50%, began more than general trade; to the amount of processing trade in 1996 increased to $ 104.47 billion, an increase over the mid-1980s, nearly 18 times proportion of about 57%. Processing trade in the higher proportion of foreign exports, and foreign-funded enterprises in China's total exports currently account for 45%, far better than its strong growth momentum of the state-owned enterprises. Therefore we can say the past decade, China's foreign trade has been able to continue to grow rapidly, supported by processing trade is the main force, it plays an irreplaceable role. China's processing trade to expand the scale of employment, according to Guangdong Province, published in 1997, the province's processing trade in China's processing trade accounted for about 55% of the total absorption of about 10 million jobs, is estimated that the number of people about to solve the employment of nearly 2,000 million. China's processing trade has also led to raising the level of processing technology, to promote growth in some manufacturing sectors, and some can be said to start from scratch, for example, household appliances is to start from the assembly, and later grew to have some competition in the international advantage of the industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章. Since reform and opening to the proportion of China's exports of manufactured goods over primary products in a relatively short period of time, and this is inseparable from the development of processing trade. Thus, the processing trade does for us to participate and take advantage of the division of labor within the industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章 provides a good opportunity. However, processing trade has also brought us the problems and contradictions, primarily related to foreign trade in the dual mechanisms. In order to support the processing trade, intermediate goods required for its exemption from import duties, while the region also has its own incentives, so in general trade promotion mechanisms, and the formation of a parallel with the processing trade promotion mechanism, giving rise to the following contradiction: 1 general trade promotion mechanism mainly export tax rebates, export taxes to zero, while the export of processing trade is only part of it to create value in the domestic tax rebates, in principle, both are reasonable, can go hand in hand. But when the general trade of the export tax rebate can not be fully in place, some enterprises will shift from the processing trade, general trade, especially those who need to use high tariffs, import of raw materials and intermediate goods companies doing processing trade will be diverted to reduce the general trade imports of raw materials and intermediate goods, thus affecting the country有資質(zhì)的正規(guī)翻譯公司哪個好's tariff revenue. (2) If the process focused on the export processing zones or bonded to, the Department will facilitate the implementation of effective supervision. However, China's processing trade is no geographical restrictions, from the coast to inland, can be described as spread, really difficult to control. Coupled with the right to operate foreign trade enterprises and the lack of processing capacity, processing capacity and production companies have no right to operate, industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章 and trade out of touch, a lot of loopholes that criminals fruitful source, the bonded import of raw materials and intermediate goods in the domestic reselling to reap huge profits. For example, in 1997 Customs seized smuggling cases, about half the amount of processing trade is the use of the channels. Must be noted that the above contradiction is not used by the processing trade in the international division of labor in the form itself generated continuously for as long as two parallel mechanisms for coordination, integrated, so that it remains appropriate balance, conflicts can be resolved. For the smuggling, central government政府許可的定點正規(guī)翻譯公司 has determined to fight full, while bank established in 1997 accounting system processing trade, customs and foreign exchange authority was further strengthened by the processing trade import and export verification measures. Therefore, the use of processing trade, smuggling of illegal activities are being curbed. The main problem currently is that of processing trade itself at a low level, which is characterized by "two out of large-scale", that rely on raw materials and spare parts from overseas customers on their own supply or import, processing and assembly of the finished product after another through the hands of the customer sales channels into overseas markets, China's enterprises played only the advantage of labor resources, receive limited processing charges, and to revenue-generating more foreign exchange, only in large quantities. In order to further the potential use of the division of labor within the industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章 to share more interests, we must accelerate the upgrading of processing trade, the key is to grasp the import substitution of intermediate goods, that is more China-made components to replace foreign intermediate goods, the product of international value chain have more links to domestic, not only can improve the domestic value-added products, increase foreign exchange earnings, but also to expand upstream and downstream related industries and domestic ties, so that the processing trade to economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 growth stimulating effect of a greater occurrence of .