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湖北省翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:Table 2 from 1985 to 1998 growth rate of world exports of goods and services (%1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Growth rate of world exports of goods 17.5 13.7 7.9 11.4 1.7 9.Growth rate of world exports of services 17.4 18.7 12.8 9.7 20.5 5.6 1992 1993 1994 1995 [*] 1996 1997 1998Growth rate of world exports of goods 7.1 4.5 3.5 -2.0 -0.3 13 18.9Growth rate of world exports of services 12.8 12.6 6.7 0.04 9.1 3.5 -2.0* The amount from the value perspective, the biggest increase in 1995, from the physical quantity of view, the biggest increase in 1994, mainly due to the U.S. dollar against European currencies in 1995, unit and depreciation of the yen, respectively, 9% and 8%, so the statistics of the year in U.S. dollars exports increased significantly.Source: WTO Annual Report 1996, Vol. Ⅱ, p.120, p.126; WTO Press Release, 1999,4,16. These changes in world trade has also been fully reflected. As the WTO did not use the services in constant prices trade (Volume) statistics, and only trade in services (Value) number, so we have to the amount of the value of the two for comparison. In the 1980s and 1990s, in addition to 1988,1994,1995 three years, the remaining services exports in most years are significantly higher than the growth rate of trade in goods (see Table 2), it can be said of the contemporary world as a major trade development characteristics and underlying trends. 1985 to 1998, world merchandise exports increased from 1.95 trillion to $ 5.225 trillion, an increase of 1.6 times the corresponding service exports increased from 380.9 billion $ 1.29 trillion, an increase of 2.38 times (Note: the same ⑦, the first 120,126 pages), its average annual growth rate of about 11%, higher than trade in goods nearly 2 percentage points. Therefore, these three exceptions, does not lead to reversal of the underlying trends, and trade in services figures are actually low. Because the WTO Secretariat said in the announcement: trade in goods figures from the customs statistics, in addition to smuggling, the goods must be out of the customs territory included in the statistics, it is more comprehensive, reliable, and service trade figures from the national to the international monetary IMF BoP reporting, including the current account under the "Service" column, not consistent national approach Errors and omissions are inevitable, so the figures are often underestimated. Also to point out, trade in services subject to the influence of fluctuations in the economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 cycle is less than trade in goods, in the early 1990s the West there was a recession bottomed out in 1993, world trade, exports of goods fell 0.3%, while services exports rose still (+0.04%). According to WTO figures released in another place were -0.21% and +0.59% (Note: the same ②, p. 144.) Trade in services in 1998 years ago, has never been an absolute decline, has maintained a relatively stable and strong growth momentum, the main reason is the information revolution. Most of the products have past service "indivisibility" and "Do not Save", and "non-delivery" of, and thus often become the "non-tradable goods" (non-trade goods). Advances in information technology has changed the delivery of many services, breaking the restrictions, to the rapid development of trade in services, including information-intensive growth in trade in services in particular, the new rate, the world's trade in services can be stable and strong growth of the main pillars. WTO trade in services statistics will be divided into three categories: (1) transport; (2) tourism; (3) Other: There are eight, namely, communication, construction, insurance, finance, computer information services, patent licensing and technology transfer , sports and entertainment (including TV, movies, etc.), other business專業(yè)英語(yǔ)翻譯公司科技文件翻譯哪里最好 services (including consulting, accounting, legal, advertising, etc.). From the 1990s the average annual rate of increase, the above (3) above (2) about 1 percentage point higher than (1) of about 3 percentage points, so the results (1) world trade in services has dropped, ( 2) the proportion of stagnant, except (3) the proportion has risen steadily (Note: the same ⑦, Volume 2, p. 64.) This indicates that in the contemporary world in the development of trade in services, new services sector than the traditional service greatly improved. The face of these trends, China's service industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章 and service trade development, contrast have become seriously lagging behind. In 1998 China's foreign trade in services in total trade accounted for 16.5%, while the world average of about 20%; the services sector in GDP accounted for 33%, far lower than developed countries, also lower than India, Indonesia , the Philippines and other countries by about 10 percentage points (Note: the State Council Development Research Center: "China's economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 Yearbook 1999", p. 57.) This situation is the history behind the long-standing ideological and institutional barriers caused. In thinking of the past in some of the rigid political economy point of view we introduce the theory of errors, namely, that in addition to other transport, trade in services is not labor to create value, do not see it in the process of social reproduction role overall productivity and its significance, so only attach importance to material production, and ignore the service. At the institutional level, the traditional mandatory planned economy hindered the commercialization of services, departments, and the pursuit of large enterprises, small and complete, trying to provide the services themselves, which is difficult to achieve social and marketization of service service industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章 is behind the imbalance in the performance of China's industrial structure, economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 development has become a bottleneck.