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宣城翻譯公司關鍵字:(3) the impact on economic development. "A country's employment situation, reflecting the configuration of their social resources, the combination of various factors of production conditions, determines the size of economic performance, a direct impact on social and economic development." [18] (p.43) by attrition effective, state-owned enterprises without reservation, this is the process of development of China's market economy inevitable requirement for the current and future period of time SOE is one important way. However, the existence of large-scale employment of vulnerable groups, on the one hand, large numbers of workers are not fully utilized, on the other hand, the burden of workers working. This is bound to dampen the enthusiasm of working production workers, and thus will affect the country's political stability and economic and social development. In 1962, the American economist Arthur Okun proposed a dramatic new discoveries, this discovery is called "Okun's Law" (Okun's law). The rule is described in cyclical fluctuations in unemployment and real GDP (GDP) growth of the relationship between the experience. According to statistical data, Okun found and established short-term increase in unemployment are associated with the reduction in GDP, the ratio between the two showed the reverse relationship. This change in the relationship that the high growth rate to reduce unemployment, low growth rate will be increased unemployment. Accordingly, Okun also pointed out that the unemployment rate and real GDP growth rate is the ratio of 1:2.5 between the gap, that is, for every 1% increase in the unemployment rate, the real GDP will decrease about 2.5%. Thus Conversely, if you want the unemployment rate reduced by 1%, the GDP must grow by about 2.5%. Growing employment problem in China, will inevitably affect China's economic growth rate and growth potential. Employment, social support of vulnerable groups CountermeasuresAs this stage, China's social situation in the employment of disadvantaged groups constitute the very complex nature of the employment of vulnerable groups to solve social problems it is necessary to mobilize social forces to be comprehensive, and actively build a new situation of vulnerable groups in need of social assistance to employment network. 1. State to legislate in the form of employment for social assistance to vulnerable groups.