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北海翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字: The Chinese government and economists usually state-owned large and medium state-owned enterprise reform as the focus of reform, and as medium-sized enterprises reform involves a wide range of risks, but also more ideological concerns, the result is, that's more dry less abstract goals and more specific operational measures less. It now appears that the reform should focus on small and medium state-owned enterprises, small and medium enterprises solve the problem, large enterprises will have a way out. Had been a student of people understand when to get the exam, it should first pick the easiest to do, easily done, the idea is to solve problems, even if difficult or impossible to do the final, will not have done nothing. Government to focus on large state-owned enterprises reform because reform is difficult because of large enterprises, which is a bit substandard common sense. After all, the fundamental solution lies in large enterprises the emergence of the rich and the formation of entrepreneurs, and small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs is the cradle of rich culture.Small and medium state-owned enterprises to change? In fact, on one word: sell! Can be sold to other non-state-owned enterprises, but also can be sold directly to individuals. Here, I would like to emphasize the managers to sell now, the West, "manager buy-out" (management buyout). Current manager of the enterprise is most understanding, most confident, they buy from the business side will not cause oscillation. Currently there are many parts of this experience. The basic approach is that a buy-out, offering their own, hire, and the West levers acquisition (leveraged buyout) is similar. In China, companies that sell often not feasible to put forward a question is who is going to buy loss-making enterprises? In fact, the loss itself does not necessarily lead one will buy it, the key is the price. For example we went to the street to buy tomatoes, fresh tomatoes, of course expensive, rotten tomatoes, it is loss-making enterprises, the price was also cheaper to, get back to cut off the rotten one can eat. Completely rotten tomatoes have no one to do? Some people want to, farmers can get it back pigs. From this perspective, there is no unwanted things, the key is a price. Now there are many state-owned enterprises employment and social burden of selling state-owned enterprises actually remarried to her daughter with a grandson, of course, is not asking too much. Besides price, another equally important, even more important issue is the people's confidence. Buy a business is actually the right to buy future earnings, the value of a company how much, depends on judgments about the future. If people have confidence in government policies, especially if people believe that private property will be the legal and institutional protection, bad companies can also sell a good price; the contrary, even good companies are unwanted. From this perspective, the traditional "supply and demand determine the price" here is not established. Not to say that the government sell fewer number of firms, the higher the price; the contrary, the number of selling more willing to buy the more people that can sell the higher the price. Why? Because the more you sell, the more confident you. At least the Chinese people believe that "law is not responsible for the masses." When most companies are sold, the people will not after the General Assembly that the Government will re-nationalization. History of a lot of stories to illustrate this point. Communist Party to engage in the first "local tyrants and divide the land" when the landlord of the barn open, allowing farmers to take food, take the white, but many farmers do not. Why? Because they fear the Communist left, the landlord Tyrant back, who took who is unlucky. Later, the Communist Party of firm, the farmers believe local tyrant landlord can not come back, the problem is not who is willing to take on the issue, but who is assigned to the number of problems. 80 year-end issue of Shenzhen Development Bank shares, no one is willing to buy, but to mobilize government officials to buy, officials believe that they are in for self-sacrifice. But 92 years after Deng Xiaoping's southern tour, so many companies began to issue stock, and the question is no longer a question whether someone who has bought, but who can buy into the issue. Shows how important confidence is. Finally, let me land ownership in China's history examples of the evolution of the end of this article. Private ownership of land on the history of China from the "possession" began. Shang and Zhou implementation of "field system", the land is national (royal family) and some so-called "this world, Wang soil; rate of soil Sea, WANG Chen," noble lords at all levels thanks to the letters received by the land tenure the right to use and income rights, but not privately transfer or trade. To the mid-Western Zhou Dynasty, with the improvement of agricultural productivity and the decline of Zhou royal family, princes of the right to dispose of land cover domestic growing. Possession and the fact that long-term benefits, so that the "King of the soil" concept even more indifferent, princes transactions between land, manor of cases gradually increased, princes have to cover the land with themselves, Zhou royal family has no alternative. Spring and Autumn Dynasty, known as "within a little closure, where Fei Jun soil; fresh soil of the hair, who is non-monarch and his subjects." Land from the Western Zhou Dynasty's "King of earth," became a monarch, as Prime Minister of the "king the land." Further, to the Spring and Autumn Period, the vassal state of the land has been a large number of Bureaucrats, as well as private ownership of Bureaucrats retainers who, as monarch of the week Wangdui Guo Jun as private fiefdoms do nothing. Production tools of the revolution, to promote the reclamation of wasteland to a climax. Bureaucrats in private is a land reclamation, according to private fields. Law, practice and on the Bureaucrats of fief and gradually reclaimed possession of the land completely private. Bureaucrats get in the private ownership of land at the same time, persons and ordinary farmers, citizens nominally belong to the original possession of the country, in fact, a total of cultivated land belonging to village gradually gained use, income, rights of action, the original common land , for soil with an easy living, and so accustomed to the development of a peasant economy has gradually been abandoned out of date. To the Warring States period, private ownership of land has been legally recognized, Shang Yang Reform, "in addition to Ida, the people have to deal", the formal establishment of private ownership of land. This from the "possession" to "all" process is actually the process of state recognition of a fait accompli. After ten years of reform, China's state-owned enterprises in fact a considerable extent in various forms has been the personal "possession." The next question is how to put this fact into law on possession of "all."