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南寧翻譯公司關鍵字:unreasonable in theory. The so-called name is not correct then the words ring true. Therefore, private enterprises must be mentally prepared, you can not market? Listed, can you have good investors sought after? The key is to not see you real revenue for the capitalists, is not truly valuable corporate assets. Entrepreneurs and game theory rulesThen simply talk about the entrepreneur and the relationship between the rules of game theory. The current situation in China, the game rules are very confusing. Frequently changing government policy, legal today, and tomorrow is not necessarily legal. In this case, entrepreneurs often feel at a loss, more active pursuit of short-term interests, rather than long-term development, or find ways to circumvent the rules, through a variety of illegal and improper means for their own profit. If you follow the rules, as aforesaid, as big business is difficult, many companies have closed down, can not survive. So entrepreneurs only violations, including bribery of government officials on violations. But costly violations. The more you breach your employees on the internal control over the worse. Why do you say?If you usually acts are illegal, how can you control your vice president? You can not control. If you offend him, he told you after one, then you're finished. As far as I understand it, a lot of CEOs to catch up, mostly by internal denounced the. You even did not dare to offend your driver, because your driver handle a lot of your hand. So, you have the efficiency of this business to really take advantage of genius, to be able to dismiss people who can not do, it becomes very difficult. This will lead to fierce internal struggle. In the West, your deputy and your sub, then he would have to leave. But in China, he did not go, but also to fight with you, you have no good way. How to solve this problem? First, the Government to amend the rules to repeal irrational rules, rules to improve transparency and give entrepreneurs a more liberal business environment in which to comply with the rules as the most efficient business practices. Second, entrepreneurs have to realize that the rule changes to promote the use of existing rules than through bribery or illegal, even more important. We know that reform is more difficult, but entrepreneurs have a responsibility to promote the reform and mission. At least you can be a cost - benefit comparison: If you are illegal, bribing officials, and finally you may want to go to prison; but if you push the rules change, you are a reformer, but also the worst case that's all. Therefore, to promote the rule changes, including a lawsuit with the government, than you cross the rules by bribing officials better. It is the responsibility of Chinese entrepreneurs, but also all foreign entrepreneurs to enter the Chinese market responsibility. Foreign entrepreneurs had come to China, see the irrational things, see the sub-rules of international business practices, they should boldly come, talk to the government fight, and then promote the government to change the rules. But not a lot of foreign companies to do so, but to find ways to closer relations with government officials, and then give yourself a concession. If we all do it, you will feel this rule is not important, like the Chinese have a saying: you can not do are not afraid, afraid you can not think. Therefore, entrepreneurs, and promote rule changes, in the long run, than the use of the existing rules is more important. Entrepreneurs and the WTOI repeat that what the relationship between entrepreneurs and the WTO. China's accession to WTO to bring the most important change that? That is, changes in the rules, that is, to keep China's rules of international standards, to adapt to international rules. Such are the benefits? Is to bring more business opportunities, more entrepreneurial environment of freedom. However, Chinese entrepreneurs also face some confusion: the new rules, more liberal and transparent rules will lead to more intense market competition. This is a lot of private enterprises, is a challenge. Therefore, our entrepreneurs in a very contradictory state of mind: We want better rules, more transparent rules, rules with international standards; and very worried, but we are under such a rule, they have little ability to survive . So sometimes, they prefer not to change these rules, because we Chinese people more than the foreigners adapt to the rules, so that we can compete with them. It's like when a railway as Yan Xishan, although not with other parts of standards, but the advantage is you can make someone else's train could not get. Here I quote a famous Chinese private entrepreneurs passage. He said the issue is opening up, opening up is, how national rules with international standards and issues. He said: "From the private enterprise development conditions of these years, China's current situation than even the U.S., Germany, better in the West fully competitive conditions, they may be more difficult to grow the private sector, while in China, private enterprises The growth rate is amazing, one important reason is that China has a large number of non-private enterprises, and private enterprises, these enterprises are behind the system, so China's private enterprises have to eat a policy of deficit, but accounted for a cheaper system. Moreover, some of them are in private enterprise to 'eat rice side' of. "This passage shows that the entrepreneurs of a state of mind in the hope that a better institutional environment, but also very worried when their own with international standards can not stand our ground, it wants to "eat partial meals." But the "eat rice side"