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鶴壁翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:From the system and mechanism on military research and production units for enterprise reform, the first performance of the six military headquarters have been established. May 4, 1982, twenty-third session of the Fifth National People's Congress through the "State Council ministries and agencies on the implementation of the reform program decisions," undo the sixth Machinery Industry Ministry, the establishment of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation. April 9, 1988, the Seventh National People's Congress State Council reform plan adopted by the Conference, decided to withdraw the nuclear industry, the establishment of National Nuclear Corporation, centralized management by the Department of Energy. May, the Premier's office decided by the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation centralized management machinery and electronics industry. In August, the State Council approved the establishment of the China North Industries (Group) Corporation (formerly Ministry of Industry undo weapons), the centralized management of machinery and electronics industry. January 18, 1990, approved by the State Council agreed China North Industries (Group) Corporation China North Industries Corporation, known as internal. In 1991, the decision to set up the China Electronics Industry Corporation. In June 1993 the State Council decided to withdraw the Aerospace Industry, set up Aviation Industry Corporation, Aerospace Corporation. So far, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, China National Nuclear Corporation, China North Industry Corporation, China Electronics Industry Corporation, China Aviation Industry Corporation, China Aerospace Industry Corporation six military headquarters have been established, marking the Chinese defense industry transition to a socialist market economy, an important step. However, six head of the establishment of military research and production units did not fully realize the enterprise restructuring, they are not real companies, but a military administrative headquarters, bear management functions of government in their respective industries. Most of which is to withdraw military headquarters on the basis of government departments set up, and even some military headquarters was withdrawn directly bear the administrative functions of government departments, showing a "semi-administrative, half market-oriented" institutional characteristics, "witch hunt" problem has not been eradicated. Nevertheless, the military head of the administrative functions of government departments and in the past, after all, much less than its direction toward the enterprise a great step forward. The efficiency of the defense industry has been improved to some extent. During this period, military-industrial sector has developed a number of light industrial and home appliance products such as civil, and prosperity of the domestic market; completed a number of national key projects, major equipment development and technical research tasks; accelerate the transfer of military technology to civilian use, in many areas of the national economy to play a positive role, but also partially offset the significant decline in military production and research capacity loss caused by a large number of idle, the dynamic reserve peacetime defense research and production capacity, stability and national defense scientific and technological personnel training, accumulation Development Fund, made a historic contribution. Military research and production departments in order to really change for the benefit of competition in the market with an independent body, to better meet the needs of national defense and socialist market economic system. July 1, 1999, the State Council's approval, the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, China National Nuclear Corporation, China North Industry Corporation, China Aviation Industry Corporation, China Aerospace Industry Corporation, based on the determined according to the state " division of labor advantage, different emphases, and orderly competition "principles for the conduct of the defense industry enterprises adjustment, restructuring, were" one divides into two "reorganization set up the China National Nuclear Corporation, China Nuclear Engineering and Construction Corporation, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, China Aerospace Electromechanical Group Corporation, China Aviation Industry Corporation I, China Aviation Industry Corporation II. September 6, 2001, the China Aerospace Electromechanical Group changed its name to China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation. March 1, 2002 the Ministry of Information Industry, in turn composed of former military Institute of China Electronics Corporation. The 11 large military industrial group of companies as a national state-owned enterprises by the central administration, as authorized by the state investment agency, its wholly-owned, holding companies and shareholding companies for investors to exercise the powers of state assets and the corresponding responsibilities of the military departments to use proposed development and production tasks responsible for weaponry total catch, the financial relations in the country in a separate financial. The formation of the military group, military research and production units are moving in the direction of an enterprise taking the substantial step. Main features: First, from the institutional resolve "witch hunt" problem. Through the restructuring of the military headquarters, the military commitment of the head of government functions under one National Defense Committee, restructured COSTIND no longer directly manage the business, the Group no longer bear the military government functions. The second is to establish a modern enterprise group of military status. Reorganization of the military headquarters after a number of enterprise groups, as authorized by the state-owned enterprise assets and business entities to establish parent-subsidiary relationship, the formation of the modern enterprise system in accordance with enterprise groups. Correspondingly, the traditional lower-level management and administrative affiliation will gradually be parent company's management structure and capital ties linking replaced; the corresponding functions of the executive management will also be a gradual transition to the main group, as the investor, investors about the company to exercise the rights to the State bear the responsibility of state-owned assets of the company's state-owned assets management, supervision and management to maximize its effectiveness. Through mechanisms, change "and so on, rely on, to" concept, the corporation has a real focus on efficiency, and develop according to market-oriented operation, and gradually develop into autonomous, self-financing, self-development, self-restraint of the economic entity. Third, the newly formed group of military operations have more autonomy. In the National Defense Management within the industry, through the National Defense contracts and production units for the qualification review and implementation of the security