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河南省翻譯公司關鍵字:conditions, by group or by group agreed with the military group affiliated with the military unit signed for goods contracts, organized by the Group pursuant to a contract to complete the preparation of production plans handed down by military research. Military research and production units of enterprise reform, will not only help to introduce competition and market mechanisms play a role more fully, but also to enhance the ability to adapt to market changes, allowing it to national economic construction and national defense construction has played a positive and active role. Third, the defense industry to the outside worldThe defense industry is opening up the reform of the defense industry an important market. After the founding of New China, China's defense industry to the outside world largely confined to the Soviet Union and former Eastern European socialist countries, but mainly to the introduction of products and technology based. 1960s, due to the breakdown of Sino-Soviet relations, China's defense industry forced to embark on a independent, self-reliant path of development, the defense industry is opening up the door almost closed state. After the reforms, the Chinese government to actively take advantage of favorable international and domestic environment, a series of measures taken to expand the defense industry to the outside world. In order to promote the defense industry to the outside world, the Chinese government have formed a group of military-based military operations of foreign trade enterprises and regulatory agencies. February 1980, the State Council has approved the National Defense Industry Office, the National Defense Science and Technology Commission, and two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight machine parts do not set up a new era of Chinese companies, China Science and Technology Yanshan, China Atomic Energy Industry Corporation, China Aviation Technology Import and Export Corporation, China Electronics Import and Export Corporation, China North Industries Corporation, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, China Great Wall Industry Corporation, China National Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation, the State Council, Central Military Commission approved the "defense industrial sector to carry out import and export of a number of Interim Provisions ", to carry out foreign trade. After the founding of the PLA National Defense Commission, a new era of Science and Technology Yanshan Company and China merger, the company is still called the new era. To further strengthen the management of arms export and expand military foreign trade, September 26, 1989, the establishment of the State Council and CMC arms export leading group office of the General Office of the Central Military Commission. Established in 1998 and the new COSTIND PLA General Armament Department, in accordance with "the State Council on the coordination procedure of setting bodies and the Provisional Institutions of notice", the CPC Central Committee to the State Council Leading Group of the Central Military Commission revoked arms trade, military industrial enterprises provides for the future institutions and military weapons exports from the National Defense Committee and the General Armament Department export license according to actual needs. National Defense in conjunction with the General Armament Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs to establish joint military trade system, the revised National Defense and other military departments of trade regulations. In 1999, according to the State Council, the unified arrangements of the Central Military Commission, the New Era Company transferred by the General Armament Department of the State Council, to become an important backbone enterprises directly under the central authorities. In October, the formation of a new era of China Holdings (Group) Corporation as the core, with 12 wholly-owned, holding company for the dense layer, with 19 provinces, 88 districts military groups, companies, factories for the semi-close to New Times Group. These companies have dozens of different countries with the world, local governments and private companies for arms trade, arms trade contract was signed. The Chinese government also seize the opportunity to improve the military's open environment, and actively help enterprises to develop international military cooperation military channels, increasing military cooperation projects. January 1, 1979 Sino-US relations, the Western developed countries, total abolition of the embargo on China. Chinese government has used this opportunity, in July 1980 to start negotiations with France, the Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Factory, won the first with France and other parts and then assembled to manufacture 50 Dolphin helicopters and 100 engines 2 concession, by the This produced a Z-9 helicopters. November 1983, China's technology export and transfer of U.S. foreign country P group was promoted to Group V, is a friendly non-American allies. United States exports