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濮陽(yáng)翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:China's defense industry conversion from the overall situation, located in the western regions and northeast China and other old industrial bases in the conversion of defense industries results in a western development and the northeast old industrial base of economic growth still has great development potential. Mainly in the following aspects: First, the conversion of defense industry is not enough, some can be used for civilian production technology, personnel, equipment, etc. has not been fully utilized, even in the idle state; second conversion results low level of industrialization, conversion results mainly in the form of individual technologies or products, not only small and did not form a series, not to be to promote local economic development of industrial clusters; Third, the results of market development is not conversion Some results have not yet formed can be used for the commercialization of results of market transactions. Some of the commercial development of the conversion results, because the market can not meet the effective demand for its own value difficult to achieve; some results did not give full play to the military's technological advantage, because conversion results with other similar products the civilian sector, not only lack of market competitiveness, and the resulting configuration and wasteful duplication of resources. Further develop the technological advantages of the defense industry conversion, so keep a western development and revitalizing old industrial bases in Northeast's new economic growth point, need to focus attention to the following points: First, to further expand the conversion of defense industry intensity; second conversion technology to further expand efforts to develop products and market-orientation; third conversion technologies and products to further expand the industrial development efforts. Conversion technology and by deep-level development outcomes, can be gradually developed into the new development to promote local economic growth point. 3. Rely on chain pull effect could also contribute to the comprehensive development of the local economyDefense industry is a series of horizontal linkages and vertical linkages of enterprises of the industrial chain, industrial chain and thus the formation of horizontal and vertical chain. In the vertical chain, only the last part of the finished products directly to consumers, the other part is hidden among producers, and market transactions occur through contact. Lateral chain, is facing the whole industry chain is the consumer market directly, with the assembly of a "product." The traditional system of separation of military and civilian defense industry, is a typical closed defense industry chain, industry chain in the defense industry research and production departments to jointly serve the purpose of military production, it is difficult for the civilian sector and the overall development of the local economy from to the stimulus. As China's defense industry continued to deepen reform and development, particularly the establishment of "civil-military integration, integrating the armed forces' reform defense industry development, the establishment of the defense industry is gradually moving from a closed chain to open chain changes. In the implementation of western development and revitalizing the northeast old industrial bases strategy, relying on defense industry chain pull effect, not only help the development of its own defense industry, but also promote other related industries and the overall revitalization of the local economy and development. Defense industry as an open chain, and its other related industries pulling effect of local economic development, industrial chain through vertical and horizontal extension to play a role. In the following two aspects: First, broad participation by civil departments of military research and production, extend the industrial chain of the civilian sector, play space for expansion of civil sector development and improve the role of socio-economic efficiency of resource use; Second, the defense industry sector participation by civil product research and production, so that continuous extension to the civilian industry, serve to improve the military efficiency of resource use and enhance the level of civilian and civilian industry product market competition effect. West and northeast China's old industrial, market supply and demand more prominent. On the one hand because the limited purchasing power of residents, lack of civilian goods market demand, many resources have long been idle, inefficient use of resources; the other hand, due to a lower level of industrial structure, low-tech products, the market less competitive The local products are not only difficult to get out to open up external markets, but can not satisfy local market demand for particular products. By playing defense industry chain pull effect, to extend the industrial chain, contribute to the formation of highly competitive local industry clusters. This not only led a series of related industries, but also in further stimulating investment multiplier effect, the overall level of the local economy can promote the continuous improvement, such as through expansion of employment, increase incomes, stimulate investment and consumption demand, to promote enterprise development and improvement of living standards.