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三門峽翻譯公司關鍵字:In addition, the defense industry research and production departments can also take the initiative to join the main battlefield of the local economic development, relying on its own strength and ability to participate extensively in the west and north-east countries and other old industrial bases in major construction projects and a series of economic development activities, such as the West The "West-East Gas Transmission", "West to East" and other major energy and transport infrastructure. Third, play defense industry to promote regional economic development function is to grasp the key pointsInsist on developing the western region, revitalizing old industrial bases in northeast, central region, to encourage the development of the eastern region to accelerate the formation of three regions interaction, complementary advantages, mutual promotion and common development of the basic pattern of regional development of China's basic point . In order to give full play to the defense industry to promote regional economic development function, there are several key factors need to focus on grasping. 1. Adhere to the concept of updates and system innovation, and continuously stimulate the development of vibrant defense industry Can the defense industry in developing the western region, revitalizing old industrial bases in northeast China and promote the coordinated development of regional economies play a more positive and active role in the defense industry depends largely on its own strength and vitality for development. If the defense industry is weak, lacks the necessary vigor, and even unable to help themselves, then it is difficult to revitalize the local economy and achieve coordinated development of regional economy as greater. Since the founding of New China, China has established a relatively complete industrial system and national defense formed a certain scale of development. However, in the new historical period of reform and opening up, China's defense industry structure and mechanism of change and innovation lagged behind other areas of inefficiency and lack of vitality into the current military-industrial enterprises and institutions of a more prominent issue, the defense industry in general is still not fully adapt to the new revolution in military affairs and the market economy development. This not only directly affect the defense industry's own development, and will severely restrict the defense industry in the revitalization of local economies and promote regional economic development role. The development of China's defense industry from the current actual situation, the concept of old, rigid system led to the development of defense industry an important reason for lack of vitality. In order to stimulate the development of defense industry vitality, and improving his own strength and potential of development to better serve the country's western development and revitalizing the northeast old industrial bases in implementation of the strategy to promote regional economic development can play a more active and active role, must follow the rules of market economy and their own development characteristics of new concepts. Mainly the following aspects: First, get rid of for government ", rely on, to" ideas, firmly establish a sense of crisis, to fend for themselves positive for the market, innovation, self-development; second is get rid of self-contained, self-enclosed , self-service concept, firmly establish the division of labor, complementary advantages, equality and cooperation, open awareness; Third, attach importance only to get rid of the concept of social and economic benefits of desalination, firmly establish the awareness of both social and economic benefits; Fourth, get rid of purely military tasks traction of the "trailing type" passive concept of development, firmly establish the task of advancing technology, a combination of traction and the "type ahead" active development of consciousness. Concept of renewal is the development of a vibrant defense industry premise, and the innovation system and mechanism to make the defense industry is an important guarantee for the development of vitality. Defense industry system and mechanism innovation requires the following aspects: First, in accordance with "civil-military integration, integrating the armed forces' development requirements, the establishment of an open, coordinated defense industry