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商丘翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:management system, will be incorporated into the defense research and production national economic system and industrial base in the defense industry has been further optimized allocation of resources; the second is the development in accordance with market economy requirements and the development of self-defense law, the establishment of an efficient and honest system of defense procurement, military research and production to create a fair and orderly market competition order; third is to establish a modern property rights system based on modern enterprise system, military, defense industry more flexibility to efficiently adapt to the modern market economy features and variation. 2. Adhere to the new road to industrialization, efforts to achieve sustainable development of regional economyIndustrialization is the basis and premise of modern, highly developed industrial society is an important symbol of modernization. Today the task of industrialization in China is not yet complete, the whole is still in the middle stage of industrialization, some level of economic development is relatively backward areas have lower levels of industrialization. Promote the industrialization of the Midwest and other backward areas the pace of development, is to narrow the gap between our region to achieve regional economic development an important part. What kind of industrialization in the road to go on, conscientiously sum up our party in the industrialized countries on the basis of lessons learned, combined with China's national conditions, proposed a new path of industrialization development. That is: "adhere to the information technology to stimulate industrialization, promotion of information technology, out of a high technological content, good economic returns, low resources consumption, little environmental pollution and human resources into full play of the new industrial development path." [5 ] central and western China and other economically backward areas, the low level of technological development, the natural environment is very fragile, resource bottlenecks have become increasingly prominent. In the Midwest and other industrial development of backward areas, only adhere to the new road to industrialization, in order to achieve its sustainable economic development, in order to realize the backward areas of economic development by leaps and bounds. China's new industrialization strategy of the establishment, development for the defense industry a clear direction. On the one hand we must rely on the new path of industrialization to the development of defense industries to better weapons and equipment to achieve leapfrog development; other defense industry to adapt better to take a new road to industrialization required in order to better achieve the productivity by leaps and bounds development. In the western development and revitalizing the northeast old industrial bases in the process, the defense industry should play to their strengths, explore a local development characteristics for new road to industrialization. As enacted in 2004, "the State Council to further promote the development of a number of western opinion" that, to "give full play to advantages of the defense industry, to promote the application of information technology in the development of high-tech industries where conditions permit, for the western region to explore a new road to industrialization. "In this regard, the need to grasp the following points: First, the defense industry to make use of information technology, strengthening the information technology infrastructure, promotion of information technology research and development of information technology to help transform the civilian sector, efforts to promote local The level of information; second conversion technologies and products through the industrial development and industrial extension of local technological transformation and upgrade the industry, efforts to reduce consumption of resources and strict control of emissions and develop low-power and clean high-tech industry and tertiary industry; third is to play defense industry of industrial clustering effect and radiation effects, and through the creation or relying on the local "Science Park", "Industrial Park" or "industrial park" and other high-tech park to become absorbed and spread of scientific and technological achievements and the important industrial base for the project, thus accelerating the process of new industrialization.3. Adhere to military and civilian and military-civilian interaction, and strive to ensure the coordinated development of national defense and economic Defense industry is to provide weapons and other military material and technical means of strategic industrial sectors. Defense industry and services in support of western development and revitalizing the northeast old industrial bases in the process, can not forget to perform their main functions - national defense functions, we should always put themselves in defense functions of the first. Defense industry to consider how to improve defense research and production efficiency, conscientiously perform their functions under the premise of national defense, and actively participate in western development and revitalizing the northeast old industrial bases in the cause and strive to ensure national defense and economic construction of the development. For the defense industrial sector is concerned, it is necessary to carry out their commitment to the defense function, but also to better serve local economic development, thus narrowing the gap between regions and promote regional economic development play a more active and proactive role, should carry out military and civilian and military-civilian interaction principles.Military and civilian, that is, soldiers and civilians in military production to break the pattern of division, not only the defense industry must bear the task of military research and production, and the civilian sector can also take some military research and production tasks; not only civil civilian sector is committed to research and production tasks, but also the defense industry should bear some civilian production tasks. In other words, the defense industry to break the pattern of a single military research and production, so that "the military also has the people"; the civilian sector to break the pattern of a single civilian, so that "people are also the military." In terms of the defense industry, military and civilian integration is concerned with the more extensive, including: the composition of the product, so that military and civilian products, the combination product; in production processes, so that military production with civilian production combined; in the use of resource allocation, production resources to achieve military and civilian production combined with the resources; in the management system, so that military and civilian production management production management combined; and so on. By combining military and civilian, can improve the efficiency of resource use, duplication configuration to overcome the phenomenon of national defense and economic construction to ease competition for limited resources, conflict with each other; by integrating military and civilian, can improve the efficiency of military and civilian production, and promote national defense and economic construction coordinated development. Of course, in the military and civilian level and specific way, can be due to the industry, the nature of the product, and related supporting policies and measures vary by. Military and civilian interaction, is to the defense industry sector and the civil sector complement each other, division of labor, mutual promotion and common development. In other words, it is necessary to play defense industry advantage, through the "conversion" to promote economic development and, at the same time the civilian sector to play a technical, financial, personnel and other advantages, through the "people turn forces" to promote the development of national defense .