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荊州翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:international short-term capital. Interest rate market and the convertibility of the yuan, to the conditional case step by step. China's current situation, how to maintain the international balance of payments, capital inflows and outflows to maintain the balance, and to develop and adjust the relevant policy of the capital outflow and inflow is an urgent need to address the problem. Policy should focus on encouraging inflows, limiting the inflow and outflow balance up turning out to enhance our ability to self-regulation of capital flows. Currently, companies have considered going out to support the strategy is an effective way to maintain the international balance of payments, but the lack of significant results, QDII system has not been issued, businesses and financial institutions in the international market for securities investment risks, there are many policy restrictions, corporate bonds and securities subject to strict control, etc., in the future should be gradually improved. 3 to maintain the competitiveness of the domestic market, to prevent foreign monopolies. Many cases at home and abroad that compete with domestic companies, multinational transfer of advanced technologies and products domestic prices are more in line with the interests of the host country. Therefore, through various means and measures to form a group in the country to compete with large multinational enterprise groups. When the competitiveness of domestic enterprises have temporarily when introducing a product at least two areas of investment by transnational corporations, the formation of the competition between foreign-invested enterprises, but also by reducing import tariffs on similar products, the products of multinational companies compete with imported goods . As soon as possible "antitrust" and improve the Anti-Unfair Competition Law, but also the development of trade secret law, anti-bribery law, so that a coordinated and complete each other, the trademark law, tax law, the Price Law and other relevant laws should be amended more foreign investment to adapt to the new situation of the new needs to maintain a truly just, fair and competitive market environment. 4 introduction of foreign investment applications to integrated green GDP evaluation. In the early stage of economic development, it is necessary to pay some costs. But the state economy has a certain basis, you need to clear industrial planning, to investment by industry. Must have the courage of serious pollution, low-tech, resource-intensive, the market prospects of poor investment projects no. The investment cost of damage to the environment, it will eventually eat the bitter fruit. Today, our government has been aware of the problem, put forward the concept of green GDP, hoped that through this index, can local governments do not consider the ecological consequences of opening up and investment impulse restraint. State Environmental Protection Administration Pan Yue, deputy director of Green GDP is an active advocate. He stressed that GDP growth is a purely economic concept, it only reflects the total national income, not statistical environmental pollution, ecological damage is not statistics, does not reflect the sustainability of economic growth. Green GDP is sought to unify economic growth and environmental protection, comprehensive and reflect the results of economic activity and price. Once the implementation of green GDP, statistical methods, with the year's gross output less environmental damage, will be more scientific assessment of performance of officials, effectively prevent damage to the environment of openness and investment.