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仙桃翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:So why question it will be more, and here I quote one thing: Premier Wen Jiabao at the Third Session of the Tenth National People's Congress answering a reporter's "three rural" issue's question, quoted a passage from the famous economist Schultz : "Most of the world is poor, if you understand the economics of the poor, then you will know how many of the important principles of economics, the world in which most of the poor people, but mainly based on agriculture for a living, and if you understand agriculture, then you truly understand the economics of the poor. "I want to say this is what can be said that the WTO at the beginning, many people have several WTO provisions as a" traitor clause ", but the WTO now, you can see these terms such as the "market economy" status terms, for China as a responsible big country is favorable, but the concern of the Chinese authorities, related to the Chinese for "traitorous terms" less the impact of another less, however, China's WTO accession-related commitments on agriculture touches now seems thoroughly the "traitorous clause." These provisions regarding in particular the provisions on subsidies for agricultural shocks gradually emerged. All of these phenomena is the root cause of the ruling Chinese government officials, especially the neglect of the agricultural economy and the agricultural economy do not understand. Back onto the 1930s, Mr. Zhang Peigang economists of our country is not isolated on the proposed research methods on agricultural economics, agricultural economics as a necessary part of the economy point of view. And made a go unique "road to industrialization." In this way, the emphasis should be on the road to industrialization, agriculture and industry interaction, against "binary economics", emphasizing the development of rural industry is the production of a series of base functions to a continuous process of change occurred. This should be regarded as the world's first study of the relationship between industry and agriculture for the theory. And our country since the reform and opening up, especially since turning 92 years after the market demand, China is one of the few go the expense of agriculture, industrial development, roads, agricultural business at the expense of many officials to re-emergence of the "three rural issues", there has been China's accession to the WTO when the rash signed the "Agreement on Agriculture", until the Doha Round, the Chinese officials is still wavering on the role of self-considerable confusion, for both developed and developing countries for the issue of agricultural subsidies, The Chinese government has not targeted advice to would be difficult to find their own legitimate interests in the WTO. So, go back to Premier Wen's words, our government do not address the first problem to solve the problem, but the correct attitude of the agricultural economy, learning agricultural economics, recognizing that the road of industrialization, we have to is taking a unique path of industrialization and learning agricultural economics, the development of industrialization "of agriculture." Attitude is everything, and only the real importance of agriculture and economic development, will solve all aspects of agriculture now. This article is from the wto start of course, but also from the wto end, some of their Chinese is now nearly four years after accession to the WTO on the protection and development of agriculture proposals: