新華翻譯社總機:4008281111   客服部地址:南大街6號國務(wù)院機關(guān)第二招待賓館(國二招)3號樓B5319室

孝感翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:A) make good use of WTO rules, to strengthen agricultural protection and support of our efforts to WTO, despite the agreement on agriculture in China made a very high demand, but there are some favorable terms, we can take advantage of to strengthen China's agriculture protect and support the efforts. For example, the "green box" policy allows for pest control, food security, to support, but also does not stimulate the production of agricultural structural adjustment assistance, subsidies for agricultural products and other environmental projects. Also allow developing countries to encourage agricultural and rural development programs of government aid, as well as other smaller support. Take advantage of these rules, strengthen the agricultural industry in China is relatively backward and less developed rural areas of support. Increase investment in agricultural science and technology research and promotion of agricultural technology development and investment, enhance the quality of farmers' education and technical training. Increase investment in agricultural infrastructure. In the WTO rules allow domestic support space, enhance the advantages of agriculture, industry, investment and management. The establishment of agricultural insurance system, to enhance risk-bearing capacity of China's agriculture. (B) the improvement of agricultural scientific and technological content, high quality competitive. Strengthen agricultural science and technology research, to enhance the promotion of agricultural science and technology, to strengthen the farmers' basic education and technical training. Through scientific and technological activities to enhance the technology content of China's agricultural products, to promote China's agricultural growth pattern, enhance the overall competitiveness of China's agriculture. At the same time, also need to establish quality standards for the international market system and a complete information system, security system and the establishment of agricultural products with the international market of "green" certification system, and scientific sanitary and phytosanitary systems. (C) adjusting the agricultural structure of foreign trade management system and production, increase the government's macroeconomic regulation and control. China's current foreign trade management in agricultural production and trade with each other there is a gap between the production departments do not understand the market and trade departments of the Tiaokong not production, which to some extent, restricted the development of China's agricultural exports and agricultural products competitive in international markets force. Therefore need to increase the government's macro-control efforts, to break the boundaries of industry sectors, so that agricultural production and trade of organically combined, the implementation of the integrated agricultural production and trade management. This will greatly enhance the external competitiveness of agricultural products in China's overall strength. At the same time, we should vigorously promote the agricultural and rural strategic adjustment of economic structure, optimize the industrial structure of agriculture, to reduce the acreage of land-intensive products, increasing labor-intensive agricultural acreage; reduce countries are land-intensive agricultural products grown increase China's unique characteristics of land-intensive agricultural products and planting. Significant comparative advantage to develop an internationally competitive and labor-intensive agricultural production; to increase capital and technology-intensive, high value-added agricultural products; increase the degree of processing, development of "excellent", "deep", "refined" products, to enhance the product mix and industrial structure. (D) the implementation of sustainable agricultural development strategy, promoting agricultural innovation. In the pursuit of sustainable development, global economic environment, China's agricultural development should seize the opportunity to actively participate in international division of labor, to reduce China's agricultural resources and environmental pressures, and to increase water and soil resources, especially land for resource protection, increase ecological environment of the investment, improving the rural ecological environment and realize sustainable development of agriculture. To self-reliance, learn from overseas development theory and practice of sustainable agriculture, and create conducive to China's sustainable agricultural development of institutional and technical support system. To innovative agricultural production systems, development and implementation as soon as possible in line with international quality standard system of agriculture rules and laws to reduce and prevent food contamination and promote the development of green food production. But also innovative agricultural technology system, deepen the reform of agricultural science and technology, promotion of agricultural science and technology and the economy closely. Actively promote the industrialization of agricultural science and technology, culture and create a large number of internationally competitive agricultural technology companies. China's agricultural development as soon as possible meet the WTO requirements, under the framework of the WTO to promote agricultural modernization and professionalization of the early realization of the integration of agricultural production and high-tech.