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宜昌翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:Abstract: China's trade unions of major disease risk prevention system is very weak. Traditional safety net, such as basic health care, workers mutual insurance and commercial insurance coverage is limited to cities and towns and administrative institutions of minority groups, but their effectiveness is very limited. Once the come of major diseases, sick individuals and families and the serious financial burden can not be effectively resolved. Currently, commercial health insurance reform and the establishment of workers credit mutual feedback double-effect model will be available two specific paths.Keywords: of major diseases; risk protection; commercial health insurance; workers mutual insurance; mutual aid model First, the urban workers, the risk of major diseases to protect the status quoAt present, our staff of major diseases, the social security system is divided into health insurance, mutual insurance and commercial insurance of workers at three levels. Among them, the social security limit for medical expenses is $ 20,000 (each region has different), workers mutual insurance (the insurance subsidiary corporation aggregate by the National Federation of Chinese workers will undertake mutual insurance) insurance for a period of three years, 100 per insured amount million, will be paid the amount of $ 10,000. Coverage: Chronic renal failure (uremia), cancer, hepatitis, heart valve replacement surgery, coronary artery bypass surgery. Three insurance expires, the insurance payment will not be returned. But again in 10 days the insured, insurance deductible $ 20 (that is, each 80). From commercial health insurance point of view, the intensity is limited. First, many insurance companies for coverage of major diseases, make a clear limit, a considerable number of diseases not covered out; Second, the commercial health insurance premiums demanding, and is a one-time costs, for many years even if the insured The business did not happen as long as the risks and can not get any form of return, resulting in an ordinary working-class, although security needs, but on the actual situation, and one-time expenditure for the high premium costs simply can not afford. On high-income earners, generally have sufficient strength to cope with possible risks on their own, so most of them do not need insurance. Therefore, China's commercial health insurance market, the real position should be that ordinary people, but the insurance company's practice has been divorced from the actual market in China, resulting in the adoption of working-class insurance providers, not many people. When illness comes, most of them can only choose wait to die, and through various channels to raise the cost of treatment and then get rid of bad luck enough to wrap only a handful of people. In addition, although some units of workers supplementary medical insurance for serious illness, but may be due to actual health care costs are too high (some of the cost of treatment of major diseases, often as high as fifty or sixty million), and the insurance can pay the amount of compensation is still limited (such as Jiangxi up to 12 million), in fact, worry can not enjoy real security. Many media reports such as this city a treat to be police chief for his wife to raise several hundred thousand dollars of medical costs, and their income is limited, so for the higher support of $ 100,000, one can see from the civil service savings resulting from low wages do not abundance, it also shows us that if the employee medical insurance system is imperfect, even if the advantages of such groups of civil servants are bound to mention ordinary people in a crisis, but this happens is not conducive to building a clean government. For these reasons, China's current urban workers including civil servants and ordinary people, including the health care system need to take effective measures to reform and improve.Second, the worker's health care system reform and improve the optional path 1, the commercial health care system reform. Can not return the current one-time fee-based health insurance to other more conducive to consumer models, such as long-term, the return type of savings or investment-type insurance, the insurance company is big business market, potential customers need to fully boot ideal choice. As noted above, commercial health insurance because of its past profitability, coupled with a huge premium, the amount of insurance is low and the incidence is not high risk, high profit in the insurance companies charge the same time, they lost the majority of the market, the insurance away from the people's needs. Although insurance companies operating mechanism, insurance coverage and management methods pains, but has not been great. Accordance with the insurance company's existing management and product structure, and can not achieve our customers and insurance companies win. Because the insurance company policy errors, coupled to a salesman-like product sales model, so that is not acceptable, and even in many ways had a negative impact. Moment, the insurance company should effectively change the philosophy and establish customer interests are fully protected only insurance companies can continue to enlarge and strengthen their own ideas, through better customer service to create their own value, the formation of insurance companies - a new strategic customer win-win alliance to jointly market and engaged in life's storms. To enable customers to accept a more active voluntary insurance, and