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寧夏翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:Summary: Based on the natural economy of traditional Chinese society and China's social transition period of two concrete manifestation of corruption, describes corruption in Chinese society, governance, rule of law is not enough first, informal system is likely to make the formal system malfunction. For culture, transformation, ethical standards from "Chunghsiao" to "good faith" of the transition, "freedom" and "equality" and "fair" re-understanding of changes in social ideology, the government has not shirk responsibility. Keywords: corruption, and taxation rights, budget authority, rule, rule of lawCorruption is accompanied by the emergence of human social and political power generated, with its history as old as government. According to the International Monetary Fund ((IMF) made more representative of the definition of corruption, which refers to "government officials to use public power for personal gain". (The abuse of public power for private benefit?) I think because special situation, the problem of corruption in China's economic base should be combined with concrete to make a specific analysis. First, the natural economy, the corruption of traditional Chinese societyAll the week, the natural economy is mainly small-scale production of non-exchange economy. Because the vulnerability of small-based, requiring the provision of public protection from the bottom of people's hearts. China's flood control, when it reflects the collective tendencies. Lack of exchange of goods, information exchange also had a problem. People can not spontaneously form an effective organization is limited to protect their own government. With early establishment of China's centralized, bureaucratic system makes the historical process of development of energy as more and more powerful. By the Song dynasty, further strengthened centralization, Zhao Yin of the box "杯酒釋兵權(quán) ', making the further concentration of public power. Power to appoint officials focused on the central, focused on the emperor. Ancient Chinese official selection system, from the Han to the Qing although there have been a series of changes, but its core has been recommending the appointment system and the system. Sui and Tang dynasties, although the move to implement the system benefit, the abolition of the system of official Going to recommend scholars, but the examination will only have any official status, and third after the appointment, the Civil selection, promotion and use of all or recommend the appointment of the way. Centralized system makes appointments by 'relationship', by the above appointment, "this world, Wang soil, rate of soil Sea, WANG Chen," because there is no legal framework for the protection of private property, economic strength expand the result tends to be raid, "hidden rules", the members of the county yamen officials outside the frame of the landlord, fully reflected in the public right of private property infringement. China's feudal society created by law and punishment are often connected to emphasize the punishment for banditry, but not the protection of private property, and whether to punish the Husband banditry is to provide the final say, so the public authority plunder of private property, it is inevitable. This public right of private property predatory corruption is reflected in the financial expenditure of the tax authority and abuse of the right. Under autocratic imperial power of the emperor is infinite, is reflected in the financial budget is the right tax and unrestricted right and the emperor, regardless of property and state property, as a fundamental public property and private property division is unknown, making the feudal bureaucracy reflects the income and expenditure as a kind of randomness. Chinese people have always had "excellent learning official" tradition, with social progress, economic development, the old view was also most ambitious target and as a practical means. The reason, in China, the right of recall, all-powerful, officials can use their own hands, "privilege" grabbing fortune. Extort wealth of the people, the cover of darkness to have occurred. Not "elected officials", but "the official guide to the people", not "the people prison officials," more "official control people" feudal bureaucratic system, a favorable security officials filth.